Nuisance corals


Premium Member
What would be a good site to find research on, or maybe you guys can share your experiences with these pest that plague our systems ...I thought I hated ugly palys until I met some sps that have spawned babies all over my tank as I look these sprouts are everywhere I'm sure I have the name wrong but it's a Priscillaporra ....are there more out there ...I would like to find a list or your shared thoughts...
I just remember reading about them when i was researching pest corals, or corals that spawned like crazy. There should be a nuisance coal sticky and or page that we can go to for information.
I just remember reading about them when i was researching pest corals, or corals that spawned like crazy. There should be a nuisance coal sticky and or page that we can go to for information.

That's would be nice for the page ....I can imagine this is like aptasia but it's a sps coral.
Put blue clove polyp at the top of the list. Better reproductive capabilities than Aiptasia AND it screws with chemistry.

Yes, pocillopora. Someone else needs to learn how to pronounce it if they are adding an R...
Threw a colony away of pocci, I have at least 10 baby pocci's in the tank, spawning... Ugh, will be covering all of them with epoxy to eradicate.