nullmn's in-wall tank build


New member

Just thought I would start a build thread for my upcoming in-wall tank build. This is an upgrade from my 100g (48"x24"x20") reef that was set up in the living room. Due to new floors, new carpet, and a zoe/gsp takeover, the 100g was taken down a few months ago.

The new tank will be an AGE 48"x30"x24" with a starfire glass front. Water from the tank will drain into the old 100g tank and then into a large plastic bin. Total water volume should be somewhere around 250-300 gallons. The order has been placed for the tank and I am told it will be delivered in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

We have already started on the framing in the garage. I'll post some pictures of the progress so far in an upcoming post. So please join me in watching the progress!

Here is the view from the living room. My wife and I both have swivel lazy-boy chairs, turn one way to watch TV, spin around to view the tank.

My wife wanted to know exactly where the tank would be, so my son and I marked out the tank location with masking tape. My son then went ahead and added his own additional touches.

The patching on the wall is from our work in the garage. We also had to move the light switch and re-route some wires so the wall took a bit of a beating.


The garage side is a real mess right now. Tools are piled up and things are still very much a work in progress. You can see the old tank on the right hand side. That is about where it will end up in the final configuration. The large plastic bin will go under the main tank.

One of the rules we had to work by was that my wife insisted that the hole in the wall to the living room NOT be opened up until the tank was ready to slide into place.

The plan for this weekend is to complete the tank stand and build a stand for the 100g tank. Then we should be able to clean up a bit, paint the wood and then wait for the AGE tank to arrive (and the skimmer, and the lights, and...)



I like the blue fish in your tank, is it a Tang?

He looks happy.

Look forward to more pics, good luck

We got the stand for the old 100g tank done and got through most of a coat of paint before the dinner bell rang.

The large plastic bin sump arrived too!


Hi Again!

It has been a while since any update here but due to some miscommunication and dropped emails with AGE there has been a delay in getting the tank. AGE did send some pictures of the tank build and boxing.

Glass walls and the cutout for the external overflow

Overflow added

Yup, that's starphire glass on the front panel

Into a box for shipping


While waiting for the tank to arrive I got the old 100g and sump plumbed and filled with water.

The skimmer arrived! An ATB Medium Cone Skimmer with AirStar pump

Here is the 100g tank/skimmer running with some live rock

Hi again!

Ahhhh, look what was waiting for me in the garage when I got home from work yesterday!


425 pounds! Uhhhh, I'm gonna need some help! :eek2:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14786257#post14786257 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hatfielj
Pictures aren't working, at least not on my computer

Yeah, I am having troubles viewing some of the pictures too. I'm not sure why some work and some don't. I'll repost the pictures once I figure out what I did wrong.

Do you see none or some?

Let me try redoing some of the missing pictures:

Tank during construction, cutout for overflow

ATB Medium Cone Skimmer with AirStar pump

100g tank/skimmer running with some live rock

New tank arrives
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OK, we got the tank out of the crate today, put on the stand and it is filling up with water! We received a new operating rule today from the boss (wife)... no hole in the living room wall until there is something to look at in the tank.

The tank weighs about 300lbs. We opted to rent a lift to make the job easier

Some contemplation before positioning the tank on its stand

Tank is on the stand. Now trimming the foam.

Filling with RO/DI water. Boy, would it be nice to be able to see through that wall!


I threw in the tunze streams to stir up the water and turned on the lights.



Now we wait for the tank to fill.

An update!

Given both the slow drip rate from my RO/DI unit and me being out of town on business for a week it took two weeks to get the tank filled and salt mixed in.

I transferred the rock from the sump tank into the main tank and cut the hole in the drywall revealing the tank to the living room!

You may recall this picture from so long ago:

Well, here it is as of last night:

It is just a rough cut drywall hole for now. My wife and I need to take a shopping trip to pick out some molding to surround the opening.

Here is a clearer picture of just the tank contents. What do you think about my aquascaping?

I am trying two different 250w de MH bulbs right now. On the left is a Ushio 14k and on the right, a Phoenix 14k.

Looks great and I love the open aquascape. Well executed all around. My only comment might be that front access is really nice to have...if you are not going to paint the back wall though it should be fine (as long as you can see in to work on the tank). Are you going to use some form of removable background? A black pvc sheet held in place with magnets perhaps?
Are you planning any type of surround for the tank in the garage, or will it be open to the elements, so to speak? I might be afraid of any contamination issues that may crop up if not adequately sheilded? Also, what are the environmental swings that are seen in the garage? Temp, exhaust etc..
Other than that, things look to be moving along quite well.
Thanks for your comments on the aquascape! So far I like it too.

I agree that front access would be nice. Even just getting the cleaning magnet onto the front pane is a two person job. But, we opted for a clean/basic look for the living room side. When I spec'ed out the tank I asked for clear glass all around and it is indeed my intention to hang on a removable background.

I was thinking about velcro stickers on the outside of the tank and then a black cloth. The idea of a black pvc sheet is interesting though. Do you know where to obtain such a sheet?

Thanks for your comments! No, I had not planned for a surround or room for the garage side. There really isn't the room for it either. I have thought about the issue and intend to cover the tank/sump should work be going on in the garage but the garage is mostly for storage and some hobby stuff so big dusty jobs are rare.

For temperature swings, I started working on this issue over a year ago. The sheet metal garage door was replaced with an insulated rolling door and insulation was added to the walls and roof. This made a huge difference and the garage holds a fairly steady temperature but it can still get hot/cold in there compared to the rest of the house.

We knocked a hole to the outside to exhaust air for humidity control. Right now a couple of 4" fans are running. This has been sufficient so far but now that the main tank has water we may have to increase airflow and/or add another exhaust. A location for another exhaust has already been chosen, we just didn't want to do it unless it was necessary.

The chiller exhausts to the outside as well which helps in avoiding the heat build up in the garage.

I have read a post or two about people painting rooms and seeing adverse affects in their tanks from the fumes. I would be cautious of activities that could contaminate the garage space. Like spray painting, car exhaust, sweeping etc..Will you be parking a car in there during the winters?
other than that concern though, the build looks pretty cool so far.
Looks Great

Looks Great

Everything looks great.

Might make some hobby stufff a little challenging, like sawdust and stuff like that. You could get a piece of clear plexiglass from lowes to put on the top of the tank. The light can still get in, but it will provide for some protection when you are doing other things in the garage that may contaminate the tank.

Didn't think about the cleaning magnet issue. That will be a two man job.

Have you added the sand buckets yet?

When will you be ready for some fish. I have a clown we can put in there. :-)


Yes, I just put in a RDSB (remote deep sand bed) by filling a bucket with sugar sand and placing it in the 100g secondary tank. I think I can get another bucket in there but don't have any more sand right now.

There is actually one fish in there right now, a Pajama Cardinal, but he spends most of his time hiding behind a rock.

I'll take the clown! Wait... does it bite?
