what about heating/chilling the dt?
Well I am glad someone is asking the tough questions :thumbsup:
Thank you for asking Chsub.
I am not concerned about cooling, but living in Canada, heating can be an issue though.
At this point I should probably mention that my plans have changed some what about the planned tank that this filter will be filtering. I had planned to use a 300 DD and was expecting to hide the heaters in the overflows, however after reading recent reports about failures of the 300 DD tanks, fear of getting wet feet, has given me cold feet. So I have decided to scrap the 300 DD and move up to a Miracles custom built tank instead. This will solve a bunch of irritants and create a bunch of benefits.
My list of Pros for changing tanks
- No more ugly overflows taking up space and being visible in tank
- Way more swimming room for fish and for aquascaping. New tank is 10' x 3' x 2.5' (120x36x30).
- More viewing options. New tank will be visible from front and side instead of just front.
- Will be 3/4" glass. Should last a lifetime!?
- No need to worry about my stand design. Miracles will provide a metal stand.
- No need to arrange movers to install the 300 DD. Miracles is 45 minutes away. They will deliver and install the tank.
My list of Cons for changing tanks
- The new Miracles tank will be 5 times the price!
- Need more lights!! I have 4 AP700s and 6 80W T5 retros on hand for the 300DD. Will need more T5's and perhaps a couple more AP700s.
- The extra room required means more renovations to remove the rest of a wall and move the existing door to a different wall.
- Part of a marble floor that is not even complete yet has to be removed
- Hiding equipment in tank will be even harder than before
The new tank will be 560 gallons by my calculations. So it is going to actually be a bit over the maximum size of the model 2000 filter (from DyMiCo), that I patterned my filter on, allows for. Earlier in the thread I said the model 2000 was good for 2000L, but the manual actually says 1800L (460G) . Oops. I am not too worried about exceeding the recommendations. I assume they are referring to fish load, and I can always limit my stocking level to what is suggested or tell the fish to not swim in the other 300L :lmao:
Besides, my filter may operate at a completely different efficiency level, so the recommendations may not even apply.
The new tank will be using an external overflow box on the end and starphire panels on the other 3 sides. Derrick at Miracles was nice enough to observe that if I ever moved and wanted to use the tank as a peninsula tank, I would need starphire on the back as well, so he is providing it in Starphire on 3 sides even though I only require 2. The end with the overflow will be painted black. So if I have to have something in the tank (like a heater), I am hoping that the black will allow the equipment to not be too obvious.
I am planning on having the external overflow box large enough to allow for a heater and 1 or 2 small DC pumps to be included inside it along with the overflows. Because this tank will be using a much, much lower flow filter, the overflows will not be carrying the typical volume that a 'normal' tank would. But I need to plan for the worst case, that the filter ends up being a total failure and that a regular sump, protein skimmer and calcium reactor will be required. So the overflow box will have the usual 3 drains capable of carrying nnnn GPH, while I will only be using nn GPH.
So to answer Chsub's question, I plan on installing a heater in my external 15G filtration tank and in the overflow box. Hopefully 2 800W heaters will be enough to heat this beast.
The DyMiCo filter's no water changes required methodology will be even more attractive on a 560G tank than it would have been on a 300G tank! Really looking forward to this upgrade.