NVR's 2011 BOD - Introduction


Active member
Hello everyone,

Well here is an intro to the new Board of Directors (BOD) for NVR 2011: Ryan McCollum; President, Jeff Johnson; Vice President, Luis Soriano; Recorder and Fernando Andrade; Treasurer.

Ryan McCollum - President

My name is Ryan McCollum (RiOnRoXxX here on RC). I’ve been into the saltwater hobby since November of 2006. In late 2006 I was given a small 29 gallon tank from Fernando. Of course I made all the newbie mistakes. From the anger of everything dying off I did some quick Google searches and stumbled across Reef Central. This helped me out some, but it wasn’t until a trip to Carter’s Pets in Stockton that I came across a business card for a group of saltwater enthusiast by the name of Northern Valley Reefers (NVR). I went to the website which linked me to their forum on Reef Central. From there, the rest is history; I was awarded with great advice and met some very awesome people. A lot of tips from the seasoned members and great conversations from others. I now call all these people my friends and I will do anything possible to lend a hand.

Currently I reside in Atwater, which is about a mile south of Merced. I make the 45-50 commute to work everyday in Salida. I also visit friends and family in the Manteca and Stockton area nearly every weekend so I am an arms reach away. Currently I run a 40 gallon mixed reef tank. The tank is fairly new, so I am now at the sit back and watch things grow stage. From the 29 gallon tank mentioned above, I went to a 90 gallon mixed, project 180 gallon that never took, to my current tank.

The future of the club and event s looks very promising. We are in a transition stage but I am fully confident we will have a fun and productive 2011 for NVR. With that, I would like to introduce our Vice President, Jeff Johnson!

Jeff Johnson – Vice President

Jeff Johnson (Jeff209 here on RC) has been in the hobby since July 2006. Jeff is a networking monster when it comes to working with neighboring club members. Jeff was employed by Carter’s Pets (old location) when his fascination for saltwater genuinely sparked. Jeff lived in Stockton moved to Elk Grove and is now back in North Stockton. Jeff has gone through many tank builds and upgrades; he currently has a beautiful 120 gallon mixed LPS, SPS and softie tank. Jeff has a great talent of scouting out the best deals on tanks, fish and corals in a local sector. His passion for corals is driving him to seek further in the Northern California reefing community to meet new members and finding those great deals.

Jeff also maintains tanks for some hobbies in the area. So he has skills on what works and what doesn’t work in a maintenance view. Jeff is a genuine great guy and would give the shirt off of his back. Any questions shoot this guy a PM and he’ll sure be able to help or guide you to the right person. Jeff’s vision for the future of the club is to bring the unity back once again and meet new people.

Luis Soriano - Recorder

Luis Soriano (Acuarista here on RC) has been in the hobby since 2003! Luis is a complete Do It Yourself (DIY) nut. His trade of work is a general contractor which provides Luis with the skills to tackle almost everything and anything in regards to hardware in this hobby. Luis’s work forces him to make long drives of travel, which gives him the opportunity to visit a lot of local fish stores in a wide range of distance. This type of dedication gives Luis the opportunity to voice his opinion on different methods and areas run their clubs. This type of insight will help our BOD bring different ideology to our club and provide the best presence for our members.

Luis is currently on a 90 gallon build. Luis’s current tank is a 36 gallon Bow Front mixed reef. Luis is always generous at every meeting and donates a lot of stuff towards the raffle. Luis would like to see more growth in the club as well as meeting new people. Luis is always willing to add an extra hand when needed, and whenever possible can guide you in the way to fabricate something up if you want to go with the DIY route of things. I am happy to have Luis part of the BOD. Oh man, and then we have Fernando!

Fernando Andrade - Treasurer
Fernando Andrade (Fern68 here on RC) has been in the hobby since August of 2006. Fernando brings managerial skills to the table. Fernando’s full time job consists of managing one of the highest gross profit grocery stores in the area. Fernando currently resides in Manteca with his awesome family. If you like hanging out, drinking beer, working on cars, talking tank, and smoking meat over a charcoal smoker, Fernando is you go to person for sure! Fernando is personally one of my best friends so I respect him dearly.

Fernando actually just got done with a tank upgrade. He went from a 48” 72 gallon Bow Front, to a whopping 6’ 175 gallon Bow Front. His 72 gallon was gorgeous! It originally was a dominate softie tank, and then he switched over to SPS/Mixed. Currently his 175 is recovering from the upgrade but I am fully confident it will fill out nicely at even this size of a tank in no time. The tank has been running just a little over a month now.


Fernando and my whole BOD team is really a great group of enthusiast that would literally give their back off of their shirt. Trust me; I’ve taken Fernando’s shirt before LOL. Our goals for this upcoming year is simple, bring back the interest in the group and build that wholesome great feeling of belonging to a great club. We have a few meetings already sketched out, and we’ll be aggressive in bringing back some support from local sponsors. We are a group of energetic individuals and just like you, we have family to tend to but still set aside that time to meet others that have the same interest in saltwater. Thank you taking the time in reading this intro and the BOD and I look forward in seeing you on the forum, website, LFS or meetings. If you have any questions or concerns, please shoot me a PM. Until then, take care and Happy Reefing!!

Awesome intro, Ryan.

This is the most excited I've ever been at a BOD transition. I'm looking forward to working with you guys and getting everything handed over, then seeing where you take the club.

Thanks again to all four of you for stepping up to the task!
Ryan,Jeff,Luis and Fernando and The NVR Club

Ryan,Jeff,Luis and Fernando and The NVR Club

Congrat's to all of you for stepping up look's like a great team for sure.
Wish you the best in the year to come :beer:
Thanks Jacob. We look forward into the next year for the club.

On a side note. I apologize for grammatical errors above. I have a tendency to type things and not proof read...but you get the idea lol ;)
Looks like this is going to be a great year for NVR I wish all the new BOD the best of luck if there's anyway in can help lmk...
Whoa!! Fernando is online! That's a sight for sore eyes :)

Thank you everyone! I'm really excited about NVR 2011!!!
What a great team-hope to be at some of your meetings for good times and to talk shop. Sidenote-didn't know I was hanging out w/ the VP today!! Thank you very much Jeff for some beautiful work on my new sump!!
Thanks John. Titles really don't mean anything to me, this club is ran by the people for the people (cliché I know). We just didn't want to see the NVR name go away when we know we have many great hobbiest out there in the northern valley.

Hope you can make one of our meetings :) Btw jeff does some awesome work. Fern and myself run JJ's custom sumps. Hahaha that's a catchy name.
Please help

Please help

In the upcoming weeks, I will be submitting threads through RC asking in general questions about your take in the hobby, experiences and recommendations. Once I post the question in the form of a new thread can you please give honest and clear answers. This information will then be discussed in the upcoming BOD meeting and will help us decide on how we want the 2011 year to go event, meeting, and workshop wise.

Thank you everyone in advance. We're working hard to provide an eventful and fun year. :thumbsup: