NYRC April meeting is back in Staten Island

jarrett shark

New member
Thats Right Guys the summer is coming and the NY REEF CLUB is having a general meeting at our annual house ""Richie 400gal", For all those people who missed the NY REEF CLUB's last meeting at Will's house we look foward to see you at this meeting!!!!!

This will be a RSVP meeting so make sure your an active member so you don't miss how he transformed his reef from last year !!!

Date:Sunday April 27 @ 12:30pm
Were: Richie Karagozler
Address: email will go out

Please go to www.NYREEFCLUB.com. To sign up if your not a active member

Meet n greet new members, reef discussions of member tanks, discuss Richie tank, raffles, auctions, and lots of reef fun.



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Nice can't wait to see his tank! Always is awesome to see Richie's tanks, but even more excited to see the changes!

This is a must see if you haven't been guys
Would love to make it out to these meets but Sunday's are the Lord's day...are they ever on a Saturday?
I can make a dish to pass or bring some goodies. Let me know.

Can't wait for this meeting. Always love this tank tour, and can't wait to see the changes made in the last year!
Remember to RSVP to this event on the website so we know how many to plan for.

I'll also know how much to stuff to grab off the frag rack for the auction.
Spent a bit of time over the weekend making a few more frags. They'll be nice and healed and growing by the time the are on the auction block:bounce1:

So far I'm bringing a ponape birdsnest, purple death palys, and I'll have to choose from a few other zoanthids and palys laying around the tank.

Few Teasers

What's everyone else bringing. My new setup is hungry for some new frags! haha
What's the zoa in the last picture??

I think I will check out my dry goods box.

I have some DIY LED kits that I never got around to. I'm sure someone would LOVE that as a DIY project. I used them on my main tank and then some on my fuge and it was awesome.
Hey Jarrett! I'll be attending. As a former Staten Islander and now Brooklynite, I of course have to attend :) Also, ket me know the dates still available to host a meeting. I think I'm ready LOL
Hey Jarrett! I'll be attending. As a former Staten Islander and now Brooklynite, I of course have to attend :) Also, ket me know the dates still available to host a meeting. I think I'm ready LOL

I'm excited!!!!
