NYRC April meeting is back in Staten Island

Hey Jarrett! I'll be attending. As a former Staten Islander and now Brooklynite, I of course have to attend :) Also, ket me know the dates still available to host a meeting. I think I'm ready LOL

Great!!! At Richie house we will discuss and lock a date down

He can have my meeting in June. We have too much going on around here for me to host a meeting in the near future. Maybe later in the year.

Regina will be going out to Mayo Clinic in May to see if there's anything that can be done to reverse the neurological damage that her back surgeries caused. And we don't know what that will lead to... more surgery, out there, or what? So I really think it's best that I opt out for the June meeting.

He can have my meeting in June. We have too much going on around here for me to host a meeting in the near future. Maybe later in the year.

Regina will be going out to Mayo Clinic in May to see if there's anything that can be done to reverse the neurological damage that her back surgeries caused. And we don't know what that will lead to... more surgery, out there, or what? So I really think it's best that I opt out for the June meeting.


Sorry to hear George, our best and prayers to Ms Regina. We can catch you later in the year to see your amazing set up.
Wow, just wow. Some posts have been removed, some people should be ashamed.
I normally won't step in on local issues, it's a bad idea all around to have to "deal" with locals this way, but this is my club, too and I'm not sitting by and watching this. Next step is a lock on the thread. If I have to, I can make sure that nothing posts in this forum without a Moderator giving it the okay first.
Guys Great meeting as always !!! Welcome all the new members who came out
Thanks Richie of course your tank looks so good every time we see you
Also want to thank all the officer who put is so much work that you people don't see. This club is great to have you guys.