O/T Camera Question


New member
So I just bought the new Panasonic TZ3 (7.2) and am very excited because it offers great macro pics as well as pictures up to 10x zoom. I turned down a sony cybershot 10.1 touch screen with only 3x zoom. The panasonic has super image stabilization while the sony does not, and has a lot more manual features for better shots. I also took pictures with both and noticed the panasonic had truer colors. I guess what Im trying to say is, did I make the right choice!?!?! I wont be blowing up shots really big so the guy said the 7.2 is much better (especially because I take distance shots often). Thanks guys, just wanted to know if I dropped $300 in the right direction or not, but then again, we are all reefers so do we ever? lol
Realistically, 7.2 is just fine for blowing up shots. I have framed 8x10s in my house that I took on my old 4MP Olympus (those used to be cutting edge, once upon a time). Image stabilization and 10x zoom range are great features, so it sounds like the camera will do everything you need it to do...
Agreed. I am a Sony fan for most all consumer electronics, except cameras. The small size of that camera class lends itself to camera shake. I think that image stabilization on the smaller point-and-shoots is a big differentiator. I too have blown up 7.2 shots without artifacts.

To be sure I don't offend any Cybershot owners, my gripes are with an older generation of the camera.
I, personally, love the Panasonic Lumix lineup...is that the name of yours? Typically, they also have the Leica lenses and they are some of the best quality glass in the world, so I don't think it's a bad choice at all. I am looking for one myself to replace my little Nikon 5mp that I always carry with me...it's only got a 3x optical zoom, so it sometimes frustrates me. Having added macro abilities would be nice too for tank stuff :) .
Does anyone know how to fix the white balance on the Sony Cybershot? Its the one with the touch screen. I adjusted the white balance, but the pics still turn out very blue and dark. Its hard to take all the blue out in the photoshop program without making the other colors look weird.

I was really partial to my olympus, but this thing takes very nice macro shots too esp since it has 8mp. I don't have too much trouble with camera shake.

One complaint is that the lcd screen makes my shots look fuzzy, so at first I thot the macro wasn't focusing well, but then when I download them on my computer they look great.
Off topic too, but if anyone knows of someone selling a Nikon D50, I'm in the market :) looking to get into DSLR

flame you can fix any white balance problems in adobe lightroom
get that and photoshop and even the worst pics can be corrected.