Oceanic Salt?


RC Staff
Staff member
Do you guys have any plans on carrying Oceanic salt?
Any ideas on price?
I'd love to order about 600 gallons worth but cannot find any LFS or on-line store that has it yet!
The numbers coming out of the samples are pretty impressive (460+ Ca, 8 dKH, 1325 Mg).

Hi Mike,

Yes, we will be carrying this salt, i actually was suppose to get it wednesday, but already has manufacture backorder. Hopefully will be in this week. I have not seen final prices, but if they do not raise the original estimate, the prices will be this:

i'm pretty sure the 50 gal will be a jug, like what anti-freeze comes in and the 200 gallon probably a bucket, but i haven't actually seen this in person yet.

Just a little FYI -- the 200 gallon is a bucket! I got one yesterday :) Paid 38.88 plus NY states share LOL

What's the price on the 200 gallon bucket? That was left blank in your cut and paste.

Sorry about that, it's 39.95. I imagine this will go on sale from time to time too, and that is when we will buy it heavy so we can sell for less.
What are shipping charges like from you guys? I remember people talking about IO salt from petco/petsmart costing just as much to ship with "funny shape charges".

What is the average UPS Ground charge?

It's standard UPS rates, I forget what exactly, but the bonus is for us, UPS Ground from Indy is almost always overnight delivery :)

Are you really sold out of this stuff already or is that just a place holder on your site for them?

Should hopefully have salt the 18th. We went ahead and put it online while we created the RedSea salt products that we have now.
or you can just goto there site get there zip code goto UPS.com and do a query on shipping code and delivery time,

when you put in pickup type, I am assuming they have daily pickup(its a little cheeper)
spend the extra money go with aqua craft marine enviroment
the old saying is always true you get what you pay for.the price people pay for equip.,accs. only to skimp on salt its like buy a porchse and asking for good cheap tires!!it only cost a few more $$ to go first class

What are you basing that statement on? This salt is brand new and the few people that have picked it up (including myself) have run tests on it that have shown very strong in calcium and extremely quick dissolving. Have you seen some objective testing comparing Oceanic to Marine Environment?

go to www.aquacraft.com read s-15 report synthetic salt vs. sea salt ive used instant ocean,reef crystals,red sea,tropic marin
i know people buy on $ and fancy packaging the info woud be of course salt mix will not compensate for bad water.other factors all trace elements dissolve rate,impurities,heavy metals,inconsistant batches and false claims imo the lower priced salts are just that you can get steak at ponderosa but its much better at mortons im just saying you get what you pay for if any thing you should read this report ive changed my salt for red sea to marine enviroment wish i would have sooner ive seen testing on marine enviroment compared to 15 other salts check it out i hope to better the hobby with passing on this info
I (and many others) have seen and read that report and it is suspect. Do some research on here and you'll find that the "winners" of that study actually funded the testing. Interesting huh? Have you ever seen that report published anwhere except at Aquacraft? Plus the fact that at this point, I believe that study is 10 years old.

The truth of the matter is that no single independant study has ever been completed on salt mixes. That's what Reefs.org has been trying to put together for over a year and been so challenged with due to the high costs of the testing.

And I disagree with you that people buy on packaging and $. Many inexperienced reefers do, but the experienced reefers here base their decision on research and fellow hobbyist experience.
The salt I but comes in a cardboard box...hardly fancy packaging. :)

I can't find the S-15 report on those pages, only some issues that mention it.

its true you get what you pay for, but you can be a fool as well.
Scrummytool... I've used the aquacraft product in the past and was not impressed. It had a low Ca reading (380ppm) and a really low Mg reading (900ppm) with acceptable alk and pH values on my Sailfert test kits. Is it still testing this low? These values are of importance if you want to keep a reef with lots of stonies... if it's a fish only system, then the aqucraft will do just fine. What is making the Oceanic salt of interest to SPS reefkeepers is the high Ca (480) and high Mg (1400) levels with acceptable alk and pH.... not too many salts on the market can yield these values.
Mike, sent you PM. Just wondering if I could tagg along and also order some stuff in your order. A pump, bulkhead and a bucket of salt....as well!
