octo help


In Memoriam
what is the smallet octopus that i could actualy get a hold of?
and any refrences as to were i might get one?

what is the smallest cuttlefish that i could actualy get a hold of?
and any refrences asto were i might get one?

can i keep coral in an octo tank?
The smallest cuttlefish would need at least a 75gal tank because they are active and when spoked will quickly swim backward.

As for the smallest octos, sometimes small pygme octos will turn up at your LFS. All they would need is a 10gal-20gal tank.

You can keep corals in a octo tanks as long as you don't keep very toxic corals that may sting the octo(anemones, hammer corals ect.)
Not to argue, but you could keep a Sepia Bandensis cuttle in a 30g - this seems to be the consensus as these guys only grow to around 8cm mantle length.
I ussed to collect a lot of the pygmy octopus, Octopus joubini, around Florida. It is a very tiny octopus and very peaceful.