October club meeting!!!


New member
This is the official Thread for the October Cub meeting of the WEST TENNESSEE MARINE AND REEF AQUARIUM CLUB!!! :fish1:

We have Mike and Melanie Whiteley who have agreed to host this months meeting. Mike and Melanie are not new to the club for those that do not know, they have been club members now for over a year and last year at the frag swap they were an amazing amount of help to us.

Mike has a frag set up where he has started cultivating and selling some of the frags that he is able to propagate.

We have a lot of club business to go over this month, but will try and keep the business part short and sweet and give everyone time to view what Mike and Melanie have put togather in there aquariums.

WE have a number of new members and hope some of them will show up as well. Watch for an agenda and further updates as the date draws closer.

Meeting will be at there home, 6:00-8:00 on Saturday October 23 it is.

3356 Douglass Avenue. 1 block north of Park and Highland. Turn by the Jack Pirtle's Chicken.

Red brick, on the right side of the street.

Watch for updates!!:bounce1::thumbsup:
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Marcus, Techdiver on RC

Thanks Vic. Hmmm. I didn't think that was always his avatar name though...

Will we be able to re-up our memberships at the meeting?

Absolutely!!! Alternately though, it's cleaner (I think) to do it on-line:

http://www.wtmrac.com/join.html unless you'd prefer to pay via check or cash.

BTW Ive been to Mike's place,its awesome its like a reefers dream :)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing that place! I know the neighborhood, so there's gotta be tanks everywhere!
We have always(since I have been in the club) "leaned" toward the 3rd weekend of the month, but has been changed at times to work with others schedules. We shall discuss our dates at the club meeting which is where the decision would be made on this, but November can always be a challenge.
Okay, so here's what I have for the meeting:

Duck + 1 (Robin) so (2)
Mako (1)
Onereef Jay (1)
Vital John (1)
Reef Divin Vic (3)
Dattt (1)
Cass (1)
Mr T Ryan (1)
Mike and Melanie (2)

Plus, whoever else shows that didn't post. Looks like a good meeting.

Look forward to seeing all y'all tomorrow!
Mike & Melanie Whiteley wanted everyone to know to bring their appetites !!!

They're planning on serving both meat and spinach lasagna with salad and crusty bread.

And that there is a church parking lot across the street if parking becomes scarce.

(and now they're in the cleaning frenzy!)

All this and Zoo's too!