Octopi And Other Things


New member

For those of you interested in keeping Octopi and critters of an unusual nature, Al, Jon & maybe others, I Just saw a bunch of articles in a magazine tonight at Borders?. You know , the one next to Buffet's new restaraunt, Cheese Burger In Paradise.

Can't quite remember the exact name of the magazine just now~?~. Dang short term memory, getting old, I guess. But you can't miss it. It's got a big squigly Octopi on the cover. It has 3 articles on Octopi, and one on my fav, Cuttle fish, and one on keeping Nautilus. Big cool shrimp eaters in a bouyant shell. All related, by strange coincidence.


Thanks for the info Ken. And on a related note the last time I went to Exotic Aquatics in Maryland they had octopi, cuttlefish, and nautilus for sale. This was probably about 3 weeks ago.

If you want info on keeping them, Junes 2007 issue of Tropical Fish hobbyist Has several articles on octopi, cuttlefish and nautilus. Nautilus are really high maitinence from wat it looks like, but they are so cool. So if anyone is interested in keeping any of them and wants a good read you can borrow the magazine if ya want.
I don't think I have seen any nautilus for sale before. Only seen them in public aquariums and such. If anyone is interested in this stuff I also know of a great forum. I can't just post the name of it here though because the moderators will jump on me even though the website isn't about keeping "reef" tanks at all. (Sorry the moderators and rules on this site really bug me sometimes.)

Oh yes, they have been for sale around here every year. newark tropicals used to get at least one pair of nautilus every year. they would put them in one of the empty rock tanks. those would live a long life with proper care. but according to the articles in that TROPICAL FISH HOBBYIST magazine, the octopi only live 12-18 months. then they breed and die. Many are already impregnated and can lay hundreds of eggs to raise.

I went back and bought a copy. good article on pulse corals too. if anyone wants to borrow it when ive finished reading it all.

All in all, Not too good being an octopi. They don't get to see the kids grow up. just like salmon. Bear food....or Cod food.
When I was considering getting cuttlefish I had decided there was no way I was getting anything, but a pair. With the short lives they live I wanted a little more. But Segar, my frogfish, was my predator of choice.

thats how it was with my octopus had it for awhile, it was eating, i was playing with it (with toys i would put it the tank) and then he just up and died one day. i do think i want to get a pair of nautilus one day.
Sally Jo, of GARF used to raise and breed nautilus in Idaho, years ago. If you find the google search engine on their site, you can find the old articles that mention her projects. but they eat a lot of live prawns or shrimp. She kept some for 3 years in tanks. and raised lots of eggs from breeding pairs. I guess if you had a shrimp farm, you could also raise and feed nautilus.