In Memoriam
Should more oil rigs be built as a way of generating revenue and create areas which organisms live and reproduce? Seems like a win-win-win-win situation. Everyone wins.
Oil platforms provide important habitats for fish
Oil platforms off the Southern California coast are some of the world's most productive marine fish habitats, a new study has found.
The research could inform decisions to be made about the inevitable decommissioning of the world's roughly 7,500 oil and gas platforms. Rather than completely removing them, underwater portions could be left intact to provide habitat for increasingly threatened fish populations on natural reefs.
Marine biologists at Occidental College, UC Santa Barbara and the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management estimated rates of production for the entire community of fish associated with oil platforms, comparing them to previous research that made similar measurements in highly productive estuary, coastal lagoon and coral reef ecosystems.
They found that the platforms tended to produce about 10 times more fish biomass "” chiefly various species of rockfish and lingcod "” than other more conventional marine habitats studied in the Pacific and North Atlantic oceans, Mediterranean and North seas, the Gulf of Mexico and along the coasts of South Africa and Australia.
When compared to the fish production on natural rocky reefs at similar depths off the Southern California coast, the platforms, on average, produced more than 27 times as much fish, according to the study.
Oil platforms provide important habitats for fish
Oil platforms off the Southern California coast are some of the world's most productive marine fish habitats, a new study has found.
The research could inform decisions to be made about the inevitable decommissioning of the world's roughly 7,500 oil and gas platforms. Rather than completely removing them, underwater portions could be left intact to provide habitat for increasingly threatened fish populations on natural reefs.
Marine biologists at Occidental College, UC Santa Barbara and the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management estimated rates of production for the entire community of fish associated with oil platforms, comparing them to previous research that made similar measurements in highly productive estuary, coastal lagoon and coral reef ecosystems.
They found that the platforms tended to produce about 10 times more fish biomass "” chiefly various species of rockfish and lingcod "” than other more conventional marine habitats studied in the Pacific and North Atlantic oceans, Mediterranean and North seas, the Gulf of Mexico and along the coasts of South Africa and Australia.
When compared to the fish production on natural rocky reefs at similar depths off the Southern California coast, the platforms, on average, produced more than 27 times as much fish, according to the study.