OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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No I was thinking if it was low, that you could be upping the Co2 to dissolve more calcium, thus lowering the pH level... Just SWAGin it:D
I am not sure I believe my test though, and I think I will borrow Sherman's to verify. It seems to me that if the Ca is that low (360ppm), the mg should be low too.
LOL. I was just happy that after two splits, hundreds of posts... I finally.. Almost... in a little way... sorta had something worth posting:D
well, hah haaah! I think I found the problem!!! I just went down and checked Mg again and got the usual numbers: 1440 ppm. I have also changed the way my ACIII makes the CO2 come on. BUT, while checking the sump, I noticed that the filter bag for effluent was fairly full. When I tried to remove it, I couldn't...

It is totally caked with calcium deposits and wasn't letting much through to the tank. So...my bright idea to run kalk and Ca effluents through a sock is actually a dud. That filter sock was hard as a rock, much like a morning missile.

I have removed the sock and will monitor Ca levels to see what happens. So, now I don't know how I will filter out the Rowa fines from the Ca effluent. And the question to be answered is, was it the effluent from the Ca reactor, the kalk reactor, or both? Seems to me it could just be the kalk caking it up and I could still run the Ca effluent through the sock.
Good news! I hope:) I'm betting it's the kalk as well. I have yet to run a Ca reactor, but my kalk drip needed cleaning weekly...
I am hoping it is just the kalk, so I have that unfiltered now and the Ca/Rowa is running through a new sock. Such a strange find but it has lifted my spirits that I may be able to get my Ca number back on track. Alk was fine today, but I have been dosing baking soda a couple times a day for the last 4 days.
I hear ya. This weekend is a 2 day beer festival in Port Townsend and last week I went to a cider and mead tasting. We tasted between 20 - 25 items and I don't remember any of them. :D
good news and bad news...of course!

The good news is that after one day with things working correctly, my Ca is up to 400 ppm and the alk is at 8.0 dKh. So that looks like a good turn-around. Sherman found a bunch of Driveway Heat too so I will have enough to keep me out of trouble. I also noticed that my yellow scroll coral is suffering. Much of it was behind a rock so I didn't notice it. I will frag it too to be on the safe side.

Bad news: Well, that damn acro eating crab has somehow left the overflow. No idea where it is but I guess i will have to do some flashlight work in the sump. I sure hope it didn't get back over the overflow combs. Doesn't seem likely but I guess it could happen. The peppermint in the flow molted today too.

Time: 2:30 PM
Ca: 375 ppm
Alk: 9.3 dKh
Mg: 1380 ppm
Sg: 1.025
Temp: 78.8F
ORP: 310
pH: 8.18

Not too bad but I need to get the Ca up. Using Driveway Heat to bring it up.

The yellow scroll coral was worse than I thought with very little left living. Too bad since it was a really cool coral, but I did save a few pieces and mount them to new rocks. I did a dip on the pieces too so that should help. I did not dip the main piece because it has snails and a resident mini brittle star that I want to keep alive. We'll see what happens!

All this points to that quality equipment does make a difference. The glue Sherman got for me is really working well. I will never use another glue as long as he can keep me supplied. Thanks dude!! :D
just out of curiosity where are your phosphate and nitrate levels.i am having a battle with them now. starting the system over is even going through my mind.
Both are at Zero. Of course that is with tests that have limitations. I use the Seachem Nitrate test and the Merck/Deltec PO4 test. I know these are present to some degree because I have macro alga in the system, but they are using up most if not all of it. Right now my macro is in decline so I can believe the test results without too much skepticism. :)

As far as starting a system over due to poior water quality, I find that difficult to swallow. For me, with my size system, I can't imagine doing that without exhausting all other options first. Really, if my levels started to elevate, I would look at several issues:

1. detritus...get rid of it.
2. water changes: increase to lower levels
3. RO/DI water: check to make sure systems are running well and I am getting ZERO TDS. When I see 1 ppm TDS, I fix it!
4. Water flow? Is the flow slow or slower than it was? Do pumps and plumbing need to be cleaned?
5. Bio-load: Do I have too many animals for the water volume?
6. Overall water quality: Are my inverts dying off? Snails & Hermits OK?
7. Lighting: Do my lamps need to be replaced?

These are just some of the potential problem areas. You are welcome to PM with more discussion too!

7:45 PM
Mg: 1500
SG: 1.025
Alk: 2.86 meq/L 8.0 dKH
Ca: 425 ppm
Temp: 80.2F
ORP: 305
pH: 8.22

That is the result of adding 96 oz. of Epsom Salts and 20.4 oz. of Driveway Heat to about 1,100+g system.
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