Flow comes in from the manifold, not overflow as it is labeled...that was a retard moment.
This picture is old and doesn't show the baskets I have made for each section. Most of the flow is bled off into the sump after 6" of floss and 5lbs. of carbon. A small amount (trickle) is allowed to pass through to to the dual chamber Ca reactor. It has an Eheim recirc pump and flow is up in both Ca chambers. Then it spills into a chamber from the top and travels down under a baffle and up into the Rowa basket. That basket has perforated bottom and top, and floss on both ends inside. It is very gently fluidized and the effluent passes through the 3/8 black line and into a 25 micron sock.
Here's a pic of the Rowa basket:
I put around 1/2 qt. of Rowa in at a time, and the flow is very slow, like you would expect through a Ca reactor.
Cyclops is a regular ingredient in the food I feed the tank, plus I target feed in certain situations. I haven't tried the oyster eggs yet but I am planning on it.
Possibly just removing the rowa from the bag and putting it into a reactor could help.
I am not sure what you mean by this. Help what? If my readings are zero you think that they will come up if I change the way the Rowa is used? Do I really need to get them up? I was under the distinct impression from extensive research that the lowest ossible PO4 level attainable was the goal to meet.
I would theorize that even though the Merck test shows zero, that there is still PO4 in the system, especially when I look at my refugium macro. It goes through boom and bust stages, but on average I get healthy growth.
Any thoughts or recommendations?