definite get together after Dojo. Also, UFC 78 is the same day as the frag time issue, but thought I would mention it.
anothermineral: I am very pleased with the Hammerhead and Sequence pumps in generaL. I went with teh single because I am not a fan of high flow through the sump, and just want enough to process water and some extra for expansion.
First things first, you cannot feed a Hammerhead through dual 1" lines. That would be a big mistake IMO. I certainly wouldn't attempt it without discussing it thoroughly with a Sequence technician. Really, going up to two inch is a much better idea, or at least staying with the 1.5".
I run my entire system off this pump and it is a real trooper. Not much opportunity for failure, and I got a raised eyebrow from Steve Weast because it creates a single point of failure, but as I explained to him, I have a spare, so a quick swap and I am good. Also, the majority of in tank flow is provided by Vortechs, so there is plenty of flow, even in a power outage.
So build yourself a nice manifold, and get on with it!