There's a whole lot of legal stuff going on about it, but when it comes down to it, current legal battles over ephedra are using psuedoephedrine as a "safer" alternative. The problem is that they are virtually the same drug. I think people like myself with high metabolic rates are at higher risk. I got lucky because I was very healthy otherwise at the time. I don't smoke, I hadn't been drinking any alcohol for the previous two years, and I was in decent shape. That's what saved my life.
I had a week of testing at Harborview Medical Center and teams of doctors trying to figure out why a 39-year-old would have a massive stroke with no risk factors. Anyway, they were very specific when they came back and said it was the psuedoephedrine. And they said it is fairly common, at least in the sense that the public is unaware of this risk. We pulled it from our store.
I still have a lot of issues, some 3 full years later, but fortunately I was very bright before the injury and my brain has re-mapped fairly well. Now I am just like an average guy. No more genius for me. And that's the legal killer. If I had obvious mental impairment, I would have a legal case, but it is virtually impossible to prove that you were a genius before the injury, and now you are just normal...that doesn't fly in court. I still have deficiencies in executive function, I fatigue easily, and have sensitivities to light, motion, and sound.
I wouldn't take it if were you. And I would definitely keep it away from your son.