So I did some tests and also think I figured out the RO/DI system issue. First the tests:
Tank New Water
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0 ppm
Salinity: 1.025 1.027
Calcium: 440 ppm 390 ppm
Alkalinity: 12.0 dKh 8.8 dKh
Temp: 79.9F 72F
Magnesium: 1460 ppm 1550 ppm
Phosphate: 0.000 - 0.004 ppm
ORP: 292
pH: 8.32
Hard to tell with the phosphate test kit but I may be getting a very slight reading.
Tank Conditions:
I am still experiencing a brown algae/cyano outbreak that is threatening some corals. The tank looks tough right now although some corals appear to be unphased. Since the nitrate/nitrite levels are zero, I will begin removing the sand from the display and hopefully as much of the brown algae and cyano as I can. Of course, we all know it comes back, so at the same time, I will be lowering the Vortechs to provide more flow under the rocks and keep as much in suspension as possible. And I will swap out the filter media, carbon, etc. again.
RO/DI Issue:
Well, Sherman came over and we talked abou the system and he didn't see anything wrong with it either, so I started with the trouble-shooting advice offered on the SpectraPure web site. What I honed in on was the possibility that the restrictor was damaged.
I started by removing it and installing another one, which did not improve things, but I noticed a fairly high flow coming out of my drain line when I removed the one-way valve to check its function. What I found was that the valve is OK, but I could not successfully blow through the waste water line going out to my storage drums.
Both RO/DI units' waste water lines join at a "Y" and then the single line goes to the one-way valve, and then out to my storage drums.
So my estimation is that the drain line is plugged or kinked, and that one RO/DI unit was over-powering the other and back-washing waste water into the other unit's membrane, and this of course fouled it.
When I disconnected the waste water lines and ran them into the sink, the readings from the fouled membrane improved from 14 TDS to 6 TDS, so I guess that's a nearly brand new membrane I will have to round-file. When I place my next order, I will get a second 1/4" one-way valve and place those on each unit's waste line before the "Y". I had considered this before, but figured they would both be pushing out and that it wouldn't be a problem.
So hopefully I have finally figured this out! At least with the extra resin I run, my purified water is still at 0 TDS.
Booster pump is on the way, as well as 5 lbs. of resin to get me by until I do my upgrade. I looked back in my records and found that the last order of resin was in January and was 6 lbs. so at 200g+ per week, I think that is actually very good resin efficiency.