OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

Thanks Catherine. It was not my intent to bum anyone out, but I just wanted to report in because I may have an extended absence. I am sure it will go fine.
Just got back from Sherman's place and we basically moved all of his livestock over to my place. His tank is down completely. Somehow the basslet went AWOL but everything else seemed to do fine. We put the watanabe angel, barred goby, and the marine betta in the display. The rest went into the QT tank. He also donated a bunch of media to the upkeep of his friends. Such a nice guy, and whatever lives will be there when he gets back in.
Yeah I am back. Surgery was 3 hours. When I woke up there was zero pain or numbness in my leg and foot. Bascially I am just recovering from the invasion. Pain was really severe in my back the first couple of days. They had me on a pain "button" plus orals. Came home Thursday evening and I have very limited activity for 6 weeks. I was really stoked how I felt after the surgery. Follow-up March 9. They dropped the PT appointmewnts because I got up and walked around every couple of hours.

At the house I have a walker to help me get in and out of chairs, bed, etc. The drugs are pretty damn strong. I have a morphine "immediate release" plus another long release pain med. When mixed with just a very small amount of alcohol, I immediately start hallucinating. That was with beer. Tonight I am going to try vodka. :D

All-in-all, it's going well. Came home to find Sherman's Watanabe Angel out in general population, kicking it with the tangs. And last night, what a freaking surprise, my son spotted the dottyback. I guess it rode in on the one rock we put it the display, so lucky there, and he didn't die. I would rather have him in the QT so I could pass him along but at least he's still around. I question how long he will be able to survive in teh display though.

Alkalinity was just right, in fact all params made it through my absence very well. That was really a nice thing to come home to. I also just got in some sand and OceanPure Pro (which I was told I couldn't get) so I am covered there until our salt experiments reveal our next path.

Jonathan - OUT.
Good to hear from you! Glad It all went well!

Why did you go with OPP as your salt choice?

(BB Post)
I have used it before and it now is a stop-gap while I am looking into some others. Usually tests out very well, but unfortunately the person receiving it at my store did not notice that is is actually the OceanPure Regular. :mad:
Sherman's fish are practically crappin' themselves. The watanabe is all over the tank having a great time, eating like a maniac. The barred goby is a surface fish for sure. Stays there but travels the whole tank, apparently unafraid of the other fish, and eats crap way to big for its mouth. I am really stoked that all of his fish are doing very well. I see the marine beta all the time, but just quick glimpse as it loves to hang inside the caves. The neon gobies and bluefin damselfish are kickin' it real in the grow out tank, all eating well and enjoying the comforts of Chateau Algamorpha. Corals all look good except for maybe the big neon leather in the display.
So I got a couple bags of GetTanked Formula 2 (25g) from Jan. I mixed up two bags to make 50g yesterday @ 1.026. The Formula 2 is for Ultra Low Nutrient systems (typically those running the Zeo Method) so I knew its alkalinity would be low but I wanted to try it out and to have a second person testing the same batch since Jan got some pretty over-the-top results for magnesium.

We also were intending to try the version that does not have the sodium chloride shipped with it as a cost savings method, in which we get that locally. This could potentially save us 40%+ on shipping costs.

From the web site:

Description of Formula # 2:

Natural Seawater Levels

For Ultra Low Nutrient Systems

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Free Version

Add Your Own Sodium Chloride (NaCl) (Must get food grade, untreated)

For Hobbyist Who Like Their Alkalinity At 7.5 dKH and Calcium At 400 ppm

6-25 Gallon Mixes = 150 Gallon Case

25 Gallon Mix Bag / 4.50 lbs

6-25 gallon / Case Weight / 27.0 lbs

Cost: $68 per 150g case plus shipping

Each 25 gallon sea salt mix bag will make a full 25 gallons of saltwater at Approximate Values: SG: 1.026 / 35 ppt, Magnesium: 1350 ppm, Calcium: 400 ppm, Alkalinity: 7.5 dKH, pH: 8.4, Boron: 4.5 ppm, Potassium 380 mg/L and 70 major and minor trace elements.

Please refer to the GetTanked Mixing Instructions

What I did:

I slowly added the dry mix and NaCl into RO/DI water being rapidly mixed with a powerhead and allowed it to continue filling with water until it had reach a salinity of 1.026. I allowed it to mix for another 6 hours and then set an acclimation drip up for the calcium. The one thing that bothers me about adding the calcium to my tank rather than the salt, is that I cannot verify the Ca content of just the new salt water by itself. So I dissolved the Ca in 1 qt of RO/DI water and put it on a 6 hour drip. The drip method was used because when you add the Ca straight to the salt water, it causes quite a bit of cloudiness and according to Garry, some error or change in the alkalinity level.

This morning I checked on the mixing water and it was indeed completely clear. In fact, it is the most clear batch of salt water I have ever made. It is hard to describe, but when I looked at it, I thought to myself, now that really looks like seawater. Sort of strange and a bit surprising since I am so used to the look of other synthetic and evaporated salts.


Salinity: 1.026 (Refractometer)
Alkalinity: 4.2 dKh 1.49 meq/l (Salifert)
Calcium: 375 ppm (Salifert)
Magnesium: 1350 ppm (Salifert)
Phosphate: 0 ppm (Merck/D-D)
Nitrite: 0 ppm (Seachem)
Nitrate: 0 ppm (Seachem)
Silicate: 0 ppm (Seachem)
Ammonia: 0 ppm (AP)

So the results again are pretty good, especially for the stuff we don't want to see in our salts. IMO, very impressive on the contaminants that we test for. I guess my biggest issue with this salt is that even though we would save money on shipping by getting the NaCl locally, the cost for 150g is still $68, plus shipping, plus the NaCl purchased locally. I have yet to price that but do know that for our area, the minimum order is one pallet delivered to a commercial address. This is NOT a problem in my case, but still represents further cost and of course, handling.

Garry did tell Jan that we could expect a 15% discount for a "Group Order" which would bring the cost down to $57.80 plus shipping, plus the NaCl. I am guessing Garry doesn't really understand that I am a "Group Order" by myself! :lol: At any rate, I wouldn't ship it unless it was at least a pallet anyway, to mate up with the pallet of NaCl, and at that volume, I still think the price is too high.

So we continue our "testing" and discussions! :)
there is thread for reef crystal salt from drfosters that an old code works n you can get 160 bucket for 31. I know you got your expirment going just thought I would let you know
Thanks for the tip Eric. IIRC there's something I don't like about RC, but I can't remember what it is right now. $31 is a pretty darn good price though.

Something else I want to talk about...


Mine keep out-growing their space. I had to pull them from my fuge a long time ago and now house them in my QT/Snail grow-out tank. This tank has more space above it for adjusting the pendant, but the fact is, I really can't go any higher now, and still propely light the tank. The mangroves of course are getting burned and I keep topping them. The fact is, they are supposed to be trees, not bushes, so I need to figure out what to do going forward.

Sherman was over last evening and I discussed it a bit with him, explaining that I wanted to build a tank on the floor for them to give them more room to grow. Maybe plumb it into the main system and get another couple years of growth or more. As is normal, he told me that was crazy.

But the truth is, there is some sick switch in me that wants to grow mangroves to life size. Maybe 4' - 5' tall indoors, and then move them to a greenhouse later.

So, looking for suggestions, links, etc. to solutions regarding keeping mangroves growing long-term! :D
after much research, i found you a several links....




or, may be you could do this idea....

:lol: Funny Girl!

How about this?


Toilet tank cover replaced with mangroves embedded in a sheet of styrofoam (no need to water these!)
you know, after researching for quite some time on this, I found an article written by a mangrove specialist, and he displayed a picture just like that!! imagine that! i do like the mangrove toilet idea. that really looks like something i should try.