Ok, one more time. 125 gallon

Ok, a lot has happened since setting up my 90 gallon. I quit my full time job as a manufacturing maintenance man and went to work for a friend of mine in his automotive shop. Then he offered the business to me since his son decided it wasn't for him. We are selling our house and buying the business.

The shop has living quarters in it so that's where we moved to. I wanted a bigger tank for the office area (yay tax write off lol) so we're setting up a 125 gallon tank in the opening between the office and our living area. Only about 18" of one side will be covered by a wall the rest will be open except for the plumbing on the end. A lot of my equipment will transfer. I'm raising the stand 8" so I don't need to bend over to look into the tank.

I picked the tank up second hand from a guy that had fresh water in it. It was covered in hardwater scale. I've got most of it cleaned up. Ordered a modular marine 1600 gph overflow and got it drilled in today. Gonna bring the returns in under the overflow then up to the surface. I should have went with a narrower overflow so the returns would be higher, but that's life. No biggie I'll make it work. I considered drilling the bottom, but alas it's tempered.

As far as stocking goes I have two mated pairs of clowns, a flame hawk, blue spotted goby, a couple of purple firefish and some inverts. I plan on buying some tangs now that I have a 6 footer.
Got some plumbing done today. I put a piece of 3/4" ply under the tank as the 2xs you get now are garbage and there were gaps under the tank. I put some dense foam between the ply and the lumber to help take up the gaps.
Water is in, rock is in, fish are in. Time to mount the electronics and get my ato installed. The clowns are getting along nicely. I added a couple cardinals today and had my lfs quote me my tang list. I'm going to skin the stand last. I'm also gonna keep my pistol/goby pair in a small aio that I have set up. They're great to watch but the shrimp has stolen one to many frags for his camp.