It's not that I need new bulbs (I do want to replace my 14k with 10k and return the previous glorious growth that the tank had), but it's more that I was in the LFS Saturday, and overheard someone talking. He was complaining that it was almost time to change out his bulbs in his halide lighting fixture. They were almost a year old. The thing that got me is that I was reading recently in ReefKeeper that bulbs don't really lose much intensity/life between 3 months old and 3 years old. The biggest drops are in the first like 90 days, then the loss curve flattens out more or less. I figured all these people who are replacing bulbs every year really are not replacing on the right schedule to be productive about it. So if you swap out every year, I'll be happy to take those bulbs off your hands, and ride out that 65% intensity to 60% intensity curve for the remaining 2 years on that bulb
If you want some frags for them, let me know, I would be happy to trade frags for it. I'm just interested in seeing how a 20k would look on my 24g nano. Granted it would just end up growing more algae in there.
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