While I've never kept a reef tank, I have kept a FOWLR before. I'm in the process of setting up a 210 gal aquarium. My long term goal is to turn it into a mixed reef aquarium. However, for the first year or two, it'll be a FOWLR with "maybe" some polyps and soft corals. I'm trying to purchase equipment that will handle my short and long term goals. Research has told me that SPS tend to require strong water flow and strong lighting, and LPS tend to require moderate water flow and medium intensity lighting. I'd like to use a small particle sands for gobies and wrasses I'll be keeping that like to burrow or sift through the sand. My mixed reef plan is to have SPS near the top, LPS in the middle, and soft corals near the bottom. I have already purchased Aquatic Life 61" Hybrid T5HO 4x80W lighting fixture of which I'll add LED lighting when it comes time to add stony corals. I'm leaning towards an Ecotech Marine MP40WQD circulation pump that I'd keep high in the tank. Am I making any glaring mistakes so far?