It depends on the softies and LPS and how flexible you are in redoing rock work to suit some animals that will not like the flow. If by softies you mean leathers, polyps, mushrooms, fine. But if you mean colts and the like, you will have trouble. If they are long flowing corals with no structure (unlike leathers which have a structure of spicules) they won't like the flow. The same for LPS, if you mean favia, platygyra, blastomussa, acanthastrea, no problem. But if you want to keep frogspawn, torch, elegance, bubbles, goniopora, you may have a problem unless you can shelter them with rock. Typo's suggestion is a good one. If you don't like the size of the wavebox you have to consider the above and if you can live with those confines, try the Streams, but start with one and see what you think, if you decide to stick with one get the 7091, if you opt for a second get the 7095 controller. The main reason to have two is to alternate the direction of the flow. If you can't live with the confines I stated then Typo really has the best choice but besides that 2 7400/2 would be the next best. This flow is more focused and allows you to create some gentle flow zones.