One piece euro brace for large tank


My tank builder has asked if I want a one piece euro brace water jet cut out at a reasonable price.

Im a bit unsure if this is a good thing as there is no flew in the corners being solid glass. Has anyone out there used a one piece euro brace on a larger tank?

tank is 2000x750x550tall

standard euro brace is the other option. all glass is 12mm
i have read about it a few times, and it looks sweet, as long as the corners are not sharp and they have a nice radius to it, it will prevent any stress

thats all i have though....
There shouldn't be any down-side other than cost. Structurally it will be marginally stronger, but the "extra" strength it will likely provide will be un-needed; a standard euro-brace should provide enough rigidity.
my mate is a tank builder and its only costing me $100 more to go one piece. they look nice was just a bit concerned if there would be stress points. ill be going to have a look at a few he is building on the weekend to look at the one piece and go from there