oooo sexy, sexy


New member
Wondering if I would be able to add a couple or 3 sexy shrimp to my 36 gal tank. I was asking about peppermints the other day, but I don't think that I want peps if they are really reclusive.

I have a pair of clowns, a pair of scarlet cleaners, and a YWG. Would they be alright and would the clowns show them aggression once an anemone is added to the tank should the shrimp try to approach it?
If you're worried about actually seeing the shrimp in your tank, then IMO forget sexy shrimp!
Peppermints seem to be more active at night
Sexy shrimp I have kept have always been pretty visible and out in the open, just small and maybe harder to see sometimes.
I actually like that in them though, I like having things in my tank that take a bit for people to discover, little oddities like sexy shrimp and such.
I don't think peppermints are so reclusive either, they can be a pest to some things like snails sometimes, or steal food from my nems.
Sexy's will often reside in anemone's or any type of euplyllia, and often act like king of the hill on top of them waving their butts around.
I think they are a must have.
I have heard sexy's are one of the only things that can live with a maxi mini as well. Which is why I was looking at getting one possibly, but need to confirm.
I was told to do sexy shrimp in even numbers. Not sure if that's true or not. I'm waiting until I can add a BTA for them to hang out in.
I had 4 sexy shrimp in my 40b. They always hung around my maxi minis and weren't very shy - I always saw them. My lawnmower blenny and clown never messed with them.
Actually, the anemones host the sexy shrimp. Just like hotels host guests. :lmao:

Yes, I phrased it wrong but they are cool shrimp I can't another nano so I can add two. You think a seahorse would eat them??? Thinking H. Cf Kuda. Maybe H. erectus?
Skunk cleaners are my favorite. Very active and not shy at all, plus they are just so beautiful. I had a peppermint that did nothing but hide. I cant speak on the sexy shrimp tho.