Opinions needed on new lights please


Well-known member
Hey All - My trusty AI Sol Blues are beginning to fail after 5 years so it's time to think about replacing them.

Tank Info: 120DT (standard 4x2x2), 40b sump with mostly SPS and some LPS.

Growth has been very good, and I'm happy with the color rendition. They are set to 45W/65B/65RB.

I would like to stay in the same approximate budget if possible.

Would I be able to get by with something like the Hydra 26's or should I go for the 52' or similar?

Any suggestions?
Lighting is such an individual choice but I will give options.
A friend ran Oceanic T-247's & grew anything.
I run Reefbreeder's, I may have to break down because Montipora is spreading like crazy. Pocillapora, Acropora, Songeodes, Hammer & Frogspawn all do well for me.
This is all in reference to "budget", as they will not break the bank.


Mine is a 48 inch model with 3 26hd's. You could go with the 36 inch with 2 26hd's. Just my 2 cents