Opinions on changing my frag system lighting?


New member
I am comtemplating changing my current lighting on my frag tank 1x250w metal halide on each 30g breeder to a 24" 4bulb t5 fixture like the sunblaze or new wave fixture.

Heres a link;



As in this picture I don't get the light spread I want over the whole tank.

As you can see I lose about 6+" on each side. The t5's would also bring down the electricity bill and solve the spread problem.

I was also thinking of just adding 3-24" fixtures across both tanks so they get perfect spread of lighting. Here is a picture of the stand they are on;


Just wondering what your thoughts on these ideas and the sunlight supply t5 fixtures.


How about four fixtures? Im actually playing with the Idea of a sit on top T5 fixture for my 20 gallon long because of the same reason with my Metal Halide not really getting the corners of the tank. Its tough finding a 30 inch sit on top fixture with some nuts to replace my sunpod with though.
I have all my electrical and dry goods on the third shelf so I can't move them any higher.

Four fixtures would be ideal but my electricity bill would go up and my parents would kill me. :D Then it would be another $500 for the ballasts/reflectors/bulbs. Oh and the heat would go up and then I may need a chiller etc..

The t5's would also allow me to lower the third shelf and which would give me enough room to add a third tank later on in the top right corner.

I am sold on the t5 change but just want to do it right the first time. I want more opinions on the sunlight supply t5 fixtures if anyone could help out I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again everyone,

Like reefahoy said, you could just raise the MH.
Those Lumenmax reflectors are supposed to be able to effectively cover a 36"x36" area.

Of course, IMO going with the T5s is a better option.
Less energy consumption, heat, and replacement cost, plus they put out 10-20% more light per watt than MH, especially if you go with the TEK II reflectors.

I'm going with a couple of 24" T5 retros mounted to boards that slide from the center to the rear of my shelves for easier access over my frag racks.
Once I get them replumbed from my trademark "less-than-perfect-way-too-noisey-and-micro-bubble-storm" original design and get the lights all setup you'll have to stop by and give me your opinion. ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12201705#post12201705 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ZURCSREEF
are those two 40g breeders?

Very nice setup

They are 30g breeders.

Loyalrogue; Yea thats basically why I want to change. The luminmax doesn't cover as much as it says then, maybe because of the height issue I have. The luminarc is better but I still have the same issue.

If you need any help setting anything up or want some opinions just let me know.


are those tanks 36" in width? I am in the process of trying to plan a frag system I might run one or two similar to your setup.

How much did each of those tanks run you?

-Mike C.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12201841#post12201841 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ZURCSREEF
are those tanks 36" in width? I am in the process of trying to plan a frag system I might run one or two similar to your setup.

How much did each of those tanks run you?

-Mike C.

Both tanks are 30g breeders which are 36"x18"x12". I bought one from exotic aquatic for $79 and another at Bigales for $60.


the lumen max covers that much your just insanly over powering hte tank. and will see no benefit from it

want me to bring over my lux meter one day?

rememebr the higher somthing is the more area it covers..

you sohuld go with 4 150s if you need ot keep them that low

or even t5s
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12201964#post12201964 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
Both tanks are 30g breeders which are 36"x18"x12". I bought one from exotic aquatic for $79 and another at Bigales for $60.



Yes it does, thanks and sorry if I hijacked your thread :P

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12202002#post12202002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by A.T.T.R
the lumen max covers that much your just insanly over powering hte tank. and will see no benefit from it

want me to bring over my lux meter one day?

rememebr the higher somthing is the more area it covers..

you sohuld go with 4 150s if you need ot keep them that low

or even t5s

Whenever you are free please bring over the lux meter. I thought about doing 2x150w over each tank but then I will be using more electricity and have to spend more $$ on reflectors/bulbs/ballasts.

Oh and about the reflector covering 3ftx3ft, I have the lumenmax 2 from sunlight supply. The other reflector is a luminarc mini. I think you guys are talking about the lumanmax which would hang over the edge of the tank.


We actually need to light a total of 72" and my calculations come up with a total of about 400-600 watts. I will do my calculations and see whats available out there by Monday afternoon. By the way T5 is not cooler than MH. It all depends on the efficiency of the light bulb. The ULTIMATE System right now thats a NO BRAINER is any ballast with Iwasaki 15 k MH, The efficiency of these bulbs is tremendus and you could have 4x175 mh cooler than T5 :D the more efficient the light bulbs the more light and less heat you get.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12202464#post12202464 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
We actually need to light a total of 72" and my calculations come up with a total of about 400-600 watts. I will do my calculations and see whats available out there by Monday afternoon. By the way T5 is not cooler than MH. It all depends on the efficiency of the light bulb. The ULTIMATE System right now thats a NO BRAINER is any ballast with Iwasaki 15 k MH, The efficiency of these bulbs is tremendus and you could have 4x175 mh cooler than T5 :D the more efficient the light bulbs the more light and less heat you get.

Thanks for the help. I run t5's and they are cooler then metal halides. They disperse the heat better which intern is less heat in one given area which keeps my tank cooler. I hear that if you overdrive them with icecap ballasts then they will get alot hotter but I don't know for sure.

The iwasaki 15k is nice but at $100 a bulb it defeats the original point of getting it. Then adding 2 more reflectors + $400 in bulbs and more electricity and more fans which equals more evaporation and humidity in my garage.

Thanks for the help tough,

I will do my calculations and see whats available out there by Monday afternoon. By But I see you want to go faster :D cant wait, the little frags are crying "more light, more light":uzi: Have a beer :beer: and think. T5 may seem coole, yes, some factors are light penetration, PAR output, distance from water, reflectors, etc too many to list. The Iwasaki bulbs cost alot thats a fact, they will also produce twise the light output of any T5 or cheap MH :D, but I gues you dont want to spend $$$ ok, How about VHO them URI bulbs with a 96" fixture ?:smokin:
do you run a chiller on that setup and is the setup in the garage? i run 6- t5's on my 90 gal tank and i agree with you it runs alot cooler. i also notice that you are trying to avoid the high electric bills like i am. don't get me wrong, i love MH, but just not willing to get into the chiller thing because i wouldn't be able to vent it outside the house because where my tank is located and of course i'd have to cool the house even more if the chiller is in the house.
matt...u saw my tank with the 8 t5's...and then u saw my tank with the 2 250's. all the colors colored up 10x. don't get me wrong everything the t5's worked and the corals grew...but I love the mh 10x better. my fragtank has 1 250 over the 30 breeder...no higher than your lights. I think its 7" to the bottom of the pendant. and I have perfect light in all of the tank...maybe...ur pendants aren't the right ones for the frag setup??? plus my pendants are only like 3" tall. I personally wouldn't switch from mh to t5's. I'd be buying a canopy and 2 mh's for your main tank...just my 2 cents.
MH produce less heat than T5, thats a proven fact. T5 distribute the heat better, where with a MH the heat is concentrated in a small spot, that gives you the illusion of T5 being a cooler light bulb. Another isue is light penetration, with MH theres more light reflected from rocks than T5. In some cases where the canopy is too close to the water, T5 are the best solution, like ghstriders tank, but where you can afford to plase a MH higher than 7" go with MH. A cheap bulb like reeflux will result in more heat and less light, where a good bulb like Iwasaki 15k, or Ushio 14k, or AB will result in more light and less heat :D