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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12203219#post12203219 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
MH produce less heat than T5, thats a proven fact. T5 distribute the heat better, where with a MH the heat is concentrated in a small spot, that gives you the illusion of T5 being a cooler light bulb. Another isue is light penetration, with MH theres more light reflected from rocks than T5. In some cases where the canopy is too close to the water, T5 are the best solution, like ghstriders tank, but where you can afford to plase a MH higher than 7" go with MH. A cheap bulb like reeflux will result in more heat and less light, where a good bulb like Iwasaki 15k, or Ushio 14k, or AB will result in more light and less heat![]()
LOL I am not running out ot buy everything tomorrow, just talking here.
Okay well I didn't know that it was a proven fact that t5's produce more heat then metal halides. All I know is that when I turn on my 8 bulb tek fixture with no fans or chiller my temperature goes up .4 degrees. While when I turn on 1 metal halide 12k reeflux 250w with a 10" fan blowing on the bulb my temp goes up .5 degrees. This isn't the MH vs. T5 thread though.
Okay well an Iwasaki bulb is only made for the 175w bulb that produces the sick PAR. So that means I would have to change out the bulbs $400, ballast $400, and add 2 reflectors $220...Now I have a higher elcetricity bill, less PAR because one tank runs a 10k xm which is much much more par then the Iwasaki...
Thanks again everyone for the help and ideas.
Oh and I also considered a light mover with one 250w metal halide...?