Opinons on best t5 HO ballast?


New member
Looking into getting some T5's for actinic supplementation is there in your opinion one ballast that stands above the rest?

The T5 Q&A thread on the lighting forum is above and beyond useless to try to dig for any information.
icecap, overdrives the bulbs by about 20%, gets a little more intensity. Effect on bulb life doesn't seem very significant.
Yea definitely. I've got 4-48" VHOs on a 660, so you may want to just go with the 430 to keep it simple. Depends on if/when you plan on eventually upgrading.

Just remember that the most important piece to the T5 puzzle is the reflectors! Go for the IceCap reflectors.
I will go with the TRIAD or the FULLHAM WORKHORSE ballast which is what sunlight supply uses on their fixtures.
I have an ice-cap and have compare intensity between the both and for the price and the extra heat I would have save some good money with any of the other ballast above mentioned.
I had 4 24" T5s on an icecap 660 the bulbs lasted about four weeks max after two sets contacted icecap and they told me basically that I needed two fans blowing constantly on the bulbs due to the amount of heat over the short length of the bulbs, I am back to my VHO T12 actinics.
Dang. Maybe you shouldn't run 24" from the 660. I would imagine the 430 to be fine though. Or go with the Triad or Fullhams as they sound like they're fine ballasts too. I suppose I got caught up with that whole "I have an Ice Cap product" bandwagon. It happens a lot on RC....
Has anybody actually tried a Triad vs IceCap ballasts on T5's? The reason i'm asking is because i have both side by side with the same bulb arrangements. While the IceCap may be more intesne( not more than 20% by my naked eye) the Actinics UV bulb look much more washed out. I think i'm going to run a combinatin of T5s and VHO's after all. T5's n Triad ballast and VHO on Ice Caps. JOHNNY
Nice! this thread is turning out some good info.

660 is out for sure.

fulhams are inexpensive compared to the icecaps.

I'll have to look up triad ballasts today while I waste time looking like I am working.
workhorse 7 or 8

workhorse 7 or 8

I just installed 2 T5s using a workhorse 7 I purchased at blubs unlimited on Oakland Park Blvd. I paid under $60. mail order is around $49 + shipping. I have workhorse 3 that will run one 55 watt blub.
For what is worth, TRIAD ballasts are supposed t run T5's better than Fulham Work Horse ballasts.

Fulhham Work Horse Ballasts are supposed to run VHO's better than TRIAD's. Actually, the TRIAD ballast itself doesnot list any VHO capabilities.

IceCap can run either but in my experience so far, it runs actinics whiter than with regular output, spec TRIAD ballast.

Hope this helps, JOHNNY
I considered t5 supps/but after deciding on 20k400w-went with regular pc's(yes just regular PCS) full actinic supps garden variety they give the display the look i wanted w/o the t5 pain lol.
I'm not much of a t5 fan but fulham is a great product.