ORA Delicate Stag... purple tips?

Stoney Mahony

New member
My ORA Delicate stag is developing purple tips and I wanted to know if anyone elses is doing this. All the pics I have seen of it and they are all tan with neon green polyps. I noticed a few purple tips on mine the other day and I was shocked! I didnt even know that was one of it's characteristics. Ill post a pic later tonight when I get home but please post some info and pics of yours! I would greatly appreciate it. :bum:
Alright heres a pic...Its a lil blurry but I had to do a major zoom on it.
Stoney, off topic but I your avatar makes me smile :D

On topic, Sweet coral but I don't have it so I can't comment on growth and coloration.
Sweeeeet! Got any pics Chris? I bet that thing looks awesome!

Slojmn- Gotta love Borat....."In Kazakhstan everyone dress like this!"
Stoney. Just got one of those about 3 weeks ago. Originally it was a deep tan/greenish color with bright neon green polyps. Now the tan has gotten a bit lighter and the tips are turning a shade of blue!
I'll see if I can send you a good pic. Tips on this acro have the pontential of been brightly colored. Check out the ORA web site.