Order #100464573


Don't Ask Me I Don't Know
Hi Walter,
I wonder if you might be able to get me info on this order. I have call there 3 days in a row to no avail. I called Current and talked to Ted trying to find out when or if the tank has shipped (he said a tank did leave there for NJ). He said he couldn't give me the information but if someone from Marine Depot called he could pass it along.

I know that I'm being a real big pain in the a$$ about this. But, I have to know when it will be arrriving because I will not be home from 1/14 to 1/17 (knee surgery). If it will be coming then I have to make plans to have someone here to move it into the house for me.

Please Help.
Thank you,
Hi Jon,

Thanks for you post, I apologize for the inconvenience you experienced. Normally these aquariums are freighted over to you, I looked into your order and found tracking information, unfortunately I was not able to track the order cause I do not have the trucking company Website available to me at this time. I can look in this further on monday and contact you regarding an approximate delivery date.

I am also suspecting if Ted mentioned that a tank left for NJ, like you mentioned it is probably en route, under normal circumstances delivery can take up to 5 business days. In either case I will be in contact on Monday

Thanks again for your patience and understanding


Marine Depot Customer services