Oriental Sweetlips

A very non-agressive fish that needs a good size tank and usually doesn't make it. Like all Sweetlips better to leave them in the ocean as more than likely they'll die in the short run.
Marrone is this simply because they aren't usually given a large enough tank? Or are they hard to keep for additional reasons?

Also could you tell me why <a href="http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=374">this fish</a> is recommended (at least on this site) not to be placed with aggressive fish? I'd think a fish that grows to 1' would be reasonably safe simply as a result of its size.
Most just don't eat and can't get us to small tank. Most of the sweetlips, specially the clown sweetlips, need really large tanks and for the most part should be left in either the ocean or for public aquaiurms. They're also not very aggressive and in a close system like a tank they're easily bullied and get stress out which usally leads to them dying.

That's funny because most of the time you'll fine Pork fish kept in tanks with aggressive fish. They're similar to snapper as they're aggressive feeders and are consistantly swimming and very fast. I would say that you can keep them with aggressive fish and non-aggressive also.
That stinks, i really liked the body lines and color of the Oriental....the LFS near me always has a few of them in their tanks.

I always hate when places carry fish that do not do well in aquarium.... these fish should be left in the ocean.