Roger, a fellow reefer posed this question to me in another forum and I don't have an answer for him so I decided to post it here for some help.
mr9iron: I have a problem with my new TUnze Osmolator. Can you assist please...I bought the new 2010 version of this top up with the new magnet attachmens. Anyway, the problem is tha because the unit runs for a minimum of 10 seconds to prevent too frequent topping up etc, it cause the water to reach the safety sensor and hence alarms. I then situated the two sensors on different magnets so that the operating sensor is located far below the safety sensor. Even then sometimes the water continous to pump and the operating sensor gets completely submerged.
Also, if i turn the power off and on, the controller decides to top off for 10 seconds each time regardless of the fact that the operating sensor should tell the controller the water level is ok!
What the heck is going on? :mixed: Can you help and let me know how you have yours setup please. Its doing my head in.
Maybe I got a fault unit?