Osmolator Problem


New member
I have had an osmolator for over a year now and have had no problems until recently. When the water level drops I am not getting a response from the sensor. If I take the sensor and dip it in the water and set it back up the pump starts filling and stops at the sensor just like it is suppose to. I have taken the sensor off and cleaned it also but that doesn't seem to be the issue. The sensor is located in a refugium sump which is lit 24hrs a day and I have also move the sensor to an area furthest from the light source in case that was causing the problem. Could this just be a faulty sensor?
The light shouldn't be an issue. Have you cleaned it in vinegar? Try soaking it in vinegar overnight to remove all the mineral deposits. It sounds like it just has a film of calcium on it. When they fail they just don't work at all.