Osmolator question


Active member
I just bought and hooked up the Osmolator 3155. I have a question about the sensor placement.

Does the operating sensor serve two functions, turn on and turn off the pump, or does it turn on the pump when the level drops and then the upper sensor (float switch) turn off the pump? If not, how much below the water surface will the operating sensor have to be submerged before the pump is turned off?

The eye turns on/off the pump. There's about a 1/8" of 'play' in the sensor, so you need to have very little evap for it to trigger.

The float is in case the eye fails to detect rising water (bad eye/dirty eye/etc).

Hope that helps.
So how much does the operating sensor submerge before the pump turns off? Mine was significantly below the water level and then I pulled the plug.
In my experience just pass the clear housing for the eye. The osmolator intentionally overfills your tank for about 10 seconds after the eye detects proper water height to keep from cycling frequently. I'm not roger of course, so take that for what it is until he confirms or corrects me.

Of course "how much past" is going to depend on how big your tank or sump is.
As Ryan said, their is a built in 10 second overfill, the key is to watch the LED's on the display, on contact the green light should come on, then after roughly 10 seconds the yellow light and pump should kick off, in a nano tank, it may be necessary to restrict the line to limit the water added in this 10 seconds, it won't harm the pump. In general 10 seconds is equal to a 1 cup overfill. This is done to limit the number of cycles in a day, not to reduce wear as much as to reduce the annoyance of the water and pump noise.