Osmolator questions


New member
I am considering getting an osmolator for topoff of my 200 gallon tank. In my garage I have a platform which is about two feet above ground level where I would like to place my storage tank for RO/DI water. I would then have to pump the water up about 6 feet, over about ten feet and then down about 5 feet. Any way would the pump supplied with the units be strong enough to do this and would there be any other limitations (i.e. such as the length of the wires from the pump to the controller, that would possibly inhibit this?
you have about 10ft from controller to pump. The pump is limited to 9ft of head pressure. Our longest length of hose is about 35ft but only 10ft is included. This is pushing the limits and I cannot promise it will work very well and would suggest a more direct path. You really don't want a huge reservoir. I would rather use a ten gallon reservoir and refill it weekly and no that even if the worst case happened and the unit failed and all three safeties were broken my tank would not be ruined or my floors.
Thanks for the quick answer. I had hoped to be able to have the storage reservoir fill from directly from an RO/DI to eliminate having to filll it so often. Sound like I will have to reevaluate and find a large container that willl fit under my stand and just have to fill it myself. I lose about 2 gallons a day so a 5 gallon conatiner would be a little help but not much.
Well, could you instead run a longer hose from the RO and lengthen the solenoid wiring for your shut off?
The nearest water source would be in the garage. THe wife is not keen on the idea of having a huge storage tank in the den. I would again be limited by what I could fit under the stand for a reservoir but that is still not a bad idea. I will have to investigate that alitttle more. Are the osmolator still on back order.?
No, I have stock here. Look into US Plastics- try a google search. I am sure the have a reservoir you can work with.