Osmolator Universal 3155 malfunction / error


New member
it makes a solid beep, the to high LED stays solid red, the low blinks red every second. i have made sure all connections are good. i dont see any problems to any of the sensors.

thanks in advance.
OK, their are 3 usual causes, I will list them in order of probability. This error indicates a conflicting signal- water level too high on the float and too low on the optic sensor, or that the 10 minute time out has passed.

1) Controller got wet.
2) One of the sensor is dirty/ stuck, or has failed
3) Magnetic interference from a pump, balllast or cleaning magnet, even if you changed nothing sometimes older ballasts and electronics act up.
i opened the controller. i noticed a little bit of corosion on the plug for the power. i cleaned this off, the positive and negative are not making any contact and didnt appear to be before i cleaned it. the sensors.. i dont really have any way of testing them.
i took the equiptment to another room figuring this as a posibility, still acting up.

I do have a DMM. can you tell me what i should expect to see if i test the contact points of the sensors on the circuit board?
I don't follow. Is the board getting power? If their is any corrosion present on the board that is likely the problem. The float switch shows a change in ohms. The components usually have to be removed to be tested. I would just send it in.
yes it is getting power..i would love to send it in for repair. what shall i write inside the package to make sure it gets looked at and sent back to me? what charge should i expect? i think i have had it about 2 years, not sure tho really.
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Tunze USA
1304 Monica St
Austin TX 78758