osmolator wont prime


New member
My topoff container ran dry this week and I assume the pump auto shut off after running for too long. Now I cant get the pump to prime. Its starts up, but does not pump anything. It the white wheel on the bottom intended to spin? Mine in not. It makes a ton of noise like it is trying to pump, but it does not suck any water.

Any suggestions or is it done from running dry?
The pump should not be harmed by running dry within the 10 minute time limit of the controller. If it is less than 2 years old we would replace it under warranty, email me your receipt- Tunze at sbcglobal dot net
Its out of warranty. Just purchase a new one, but would like to repair if it just sticking or something.

Does the visible white piece spin, or no? Any ideas? I will try soaking in vinegar, but its only been in RO water and was fine 2 days ago.
Yes, it should spin, it sounds like it stripped out so the motor turns without turning the impeller. As a temporary fix a drop of superglue at the tip of the shaft where it comes through the impeller may get you running for a few days.
That has to be it. The motor sounds like its spinning too fast, as if there is no resistance. Ill try that out, but I dont remember seeing the shaft, only the white impeller. Its an older model, but know that I think I know the problem, Ill play with it.
Have you tried to raise the head pressure by opening up the control box and turning the little red dial? If not give it a shot
Its not the pressure, I took the supply line off, and its not pushing any water at all, no suction, no output. Impeller is just not spinning
Just keep in mind these pumps usually last 2-3 years and they are readily available and reasonably priced, they should be just under $25. Part 5000.020. Any fix will be temporary.
I agree, I have been using them for about 10 years, and probably gone through 5 pumps. I have already ordered a new one, and would just like to repair this for a backup, if needed.