
Hi Roger,

On Friday, I installed a new osmolator I bought to replaced an aged, failing one. After one or two cycles the pump would not stop. Air bubbles I believe since wiping with a finger makes it stop. I unplugged it and left it until today and the same thing happened. Instructions say to clean with detergent. I wiped with isopropyl alcohol and that had no affect. What would you recommend to remove the mold release agent? Is acetone OK?
Thanks - Paul

Edit - I just read the sticky. I'll try hot soapy water.

Edit - Washed with TSP, pump still keeps running.
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This is very common on a newly installed unit and only part of it is due to a mold releasing agent, most of it is just the fact that plastic is hydrophobic and until a biofilm forms it will attract bubbles and repel water, this generally takes a bout a week and is the same process that needs to happen to "season or break in" a new skimmer. Place the optic sensor in a calm and bubble free area and make sure the top off hose is not near the sensor as the stream of incoming water is a source of bubbles. I generally would just use dishwashing soap and hot water but the real fix is just having it sit in the sump or tank for a about 3-7 days and grow a bacterial film, even then there needs to be minimal sources of bubbles where it is located. I would not use acetone.