Ot: 2013 fmas ff


New member
I have sent out the yearly email for those that participated in last years fantasy football. Please follow the directions in the email. Please not do not send a paypal with any type of FF or Fantasy Football marked anywhere in it. Send it friends and family so no fees apply and I will return a confirmation email.

For those that did not participate last year but would like to this year as soon as I receive confirmation from last years participants I will start filling in any spots or adding further spots.

Please be courteous of this thread and do not start a bunch of back and forth discussions on rules, times, smack talk, or setups.....please use the FF site for this or start another thread as RC has been generous enough in past years to allow our FMAS club the benefit of communications here.....please use this thread for confirmations or communications about joining or participation.....thank you from one of your past champions, HOF member, and #1 fan of the greatest team on the planet your home town MIAMI DOLPHINS ..........
Blair canesfan44
Reinaldo Steelersfan
Michael Arbuthnot

Got all these.......lets keep them coming and get everyone in early .....
Skng2011 ...Steve
Liquid Cowboy....James

Got yours ......lets get them in early ladies so we can have everything in place as soon as possible.....
Eddie ill meet you Monday night with a bottle of rum, by the end of the bottle I'm sure you'll be ok

LOL thanks Joe- but im serious. I am retiring for a while after MACNA. You guys dont know what it takes. I am looking forward to coming home after work and not having conference calls, and emails to respond to for 5 hours. My tank turn to $hit, etc..

Ive enjoyed doing it, no complaints, but im done.
I need to know the date for draft to see if I can make it. Last year I showed up half way through it.
With the season just over a week away and other league drafts already set, my only availability for this league is Thursday night
The preseason is over on next Thursday night .....season starts the following Thursday we usually have the draft on the Fri before or that weekend but this year we have MACNA that weekend ....Sunday would be the first day available as Monday is a holiday ....how would Sunday night be .....