OT listen to wife it prevents grief and more work


Active member
always listen to wife and take care of things before they go to far
example recalk the bathtub...


some my fault other bad construction....
just duct tape some plastic drop cloth like paneling around and you will be good as gold lmao
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11885392#post11885392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltwaterfishlover
care to come here, do this?

paid for that service- an arm and a leg LOL
Thats gonna b awesome an in wall tank in the shower. Lmao. With some MH lighting youll get a tan while you shower and have some for your corals.
built in drain, shower head as a return. shower curtain rod to hang the lights.

we're onto something here
I would buy the fiberglass molded shower/tub (Lowes) that will probably fit in there nicely and don't have to hassle with tile work. Or, Agios idea of stapling a shower curtain will work! lol (liked that one)
All that good and valuable time waisted fixing the house.....:( man you could be rearranging rocks, fixing the skimmer, preparing frags for the frag swap, cleaning the pumps..........DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THE KITCHEN !!!! you could be mislead and trapped by your wife there for yearsssssss... :D