OT: Local Internet Service Providers


New member
Anyone know who offers and for how much? Come the end of these NBA finals im planning on cancelling my bundled services from comcast. I want to cancel all tv services and just have internet. Was planning on staying with comcast with only internet service but thought maybe some of you guys know cheaper internet service only plans. Im in Hollywood area 33024.
I hate AT&T. We have their highest speed DSL and it doesn't compare to Comcast. And yes, we have a high power linksys router.

Granted, it's 2 laptops, three iPads, two iPods, ps3, wii, and two cell phones all sharing the wifi connection. I can tell you though, without a doubt, Comcast xfiniti was much faster. I do love my direct tv though.

Anyone know who offers and for how much? Come the end of these NBA finals im planning on cancelling my bundled services from comcast. I want to cancel all tv services and just have internet. Was planning on staying with comcast with only internet service but thought maybe some of you guys know cheaper internet service only plans. Im in Hollywood area 33024.

We don't have much variety here in South Florida either being stuck with one DSL provider, Comcast or Atlantic Broadband if you live on the beach itself.

DSL speeds will always be inferior to Cable speeds unless you're using VDSL which is typically only business oriented and highly expensive.

I'm not a fan of Comcast either, but there is no other comparable alternative. You can always put the screws to them on the phone to see if they're willing to negotiate a lesser amount or some mediation to what you're currently paying.

I got rid of my satellite system long ago. Now I just find anything I want to watch online and save 100$ a month.
Im with comcast and have 0 complaints.

They tend to practice bandwidth throttling despite promising otherwise. Also that "high speed" marketing garbage doesn't mean you'll ever actually reach the speeds they allow. I have never maxed out a 10/100 using Comcast and now with the 100/1k standard, I doubt they'll ever provide something comparable in the civilian price range.
Speed tests are not by any means practical for gauging actual usage. Also, there are numerous security issues with tethering versus using a dedicated router. There are also severely limited total connections you can have at one time (port limiting). If you're in a pinch however, tethering can be an option.
comcast is faster..

Comcast will treat you great to get you to be a customer but good luck with them being so nice when you have an issue..

ATT pain to get installed but if you have an issue it will be fixed and credited.

I have att at home and att 18 meg at the office.. I used to work with them and can honestly say it is a superior product in terms of reliability.

some areas never have issues with comcast while others the speeds swing wildly and cut out daily..
I am happy with ATT U-Verse. I had issues due to roof replacement called ATT thinking it was going to cost me but they fixed it, 3 hours of labor at no charge.
U-verse here...had lightning strike which blew out all the equipment, they replaced it the next day no charge.

AT&T Uverse! This isn't even their top tier Uverse internet plan.

But, I'm in the same boat, don't really want the Uverse TV package would prefer to just stream, but unfortunately there's not many options available for live sports which is why I haven't been able to severe the tie to pay service.


Ive had both and I must say that ATT's router/modem that they give you is pretty beastly, but no complaints with comcast here.
Happy with uverse, 0 problems. It's fast enough for me i have their 18mb/s package. I hate comcast. I don't have any tv service.
I had comcast for a few years, I just switched to Uverse.
The speed sucks, It really does. I do use the internet a lot though
The channel lineup got some time to get used to but don't like how they are all over the place(HD), their DVR is way better though. Comcast Xfinity on Demand is really good and far superior to ATTs on demand
I would go back to Comcast if my bill wasnt so high, ATT is relatively cheaper.

Ive had both and I must say that ATT's router/modem that they give you is pretty beastly, but no complaints with comcast here.

:twitch: you have the "blast" package? i've been thinking about it but it's $25 more. They have the extreme package too which is 100/mbps but $90.