OT/wanted: rescued dog stories


New member
I know several of you have rescued dogs and have a wonderful story to tell. Here is an opportunity to share your story and help other dogs find great homes. I hope some of you will respond to this lady. I do not personally know her but through my "rescue friends network" she asked for our help. -Sheryl

Copied with her permission...

My dog, Kyla, is one of the lucky shelter dogs who found their forever home. But there are still countless, wonderful dogs in need of their home. Thanks to the generous-hearted humans out there who have adopted or rescued their four-legged friends. If you are looking for a dog, I urge you to check out your local shelter. You may find your forever friend there. Kyla and I are proof of that.

And if you have already found your true companion through a shelter or rescue, allow me to tell you about a new project I am working on. I have been a volunteer with the Edmond shelter for a while, but haven't been able to spend much time volunteering lately. I wanted to give back to the shelter somehow, so I decided to use my photography as a way to do this.

I am planning on creating a photobook comprised of all rescued dogs' photos and their stories, called The Rescued. I will sell the books through my web site and blog (http://melissarawlings.com/) and at local art festivals. The proceeds will go to the shelter. I hope to connect with people who have adopted from shelters or rescued their dogs in some way, and basically do a free photo session with them to capture their dog's personality.

I haven't worked out how much the books will cost, it will depend on the response I get and how many photos come out of this. I also don't know how long this will take to complete, again, it will depend on the response. I can tell you I can only schedule sessions on the weekends, and anyone interested in participating by opening up their home and allowing me to document their lives with their dog can email me through my web site's contact section, or directly here: info@melissarawlings.com.

Thank you,
Melissa Rawlings
The shelter about which she is talking is the Edmond shelter. http://www.edmondok.com/safety/animalwelfare

This shelter evaluates each animal that comes into it's care. If the animal is deemed adoptable, they keep it or foster it until they can find a home for it. If you are interested in fostering any kind of animal, please contact them.
We here at the Gadberry household have two rescue dog stories to share.

1. One day we were driving down I-35 exiting at lindsey street and saw this adorable white bow who was scared witliss standin on the side of the road. She had a bow on her neck, so we thought someone missed her, we couldn't keep her so we took her to the pound. Being the loving sorts we are we told them to call if no one picked her up after her 5 day period when they wait for owners to pick up lost dogs. No one picked her up, so we decided to add another member to our family. We took her to the vet for a check up before we took her home, and guess what......she had parvo *gasps*. So long story short, one week and several hundred dollars later, sparkle got to come home. We dont know what breed she is, but we think she's border colie/american eskimo/furry mutt. I wish my digital camera worked, she's very camera freindly.

2. My mother in law's vet in more is known for having adoptable animals from time to time. One day she's taking in one of her dogs for a vet check, and they had a very sad looking 10 year old yorkie. My wife Tori has ALWAYS wanted a yorkie, and I mean always. I've known her since middle school, and she wanted one then. So being "obligated", we adopted her. The poor little thing had been found near lake stanly draper, her fur was all matted, and she wouldn't let anyone touch her. So she went in for her vet check, and she got a clean bill of health, other than the fleas and very stinky mouth. We just assumed the bad breath was from her having no teeth, often due to a dog eating nothing but wet food for their life. We thought the same until her next appointment for shots. Thats when the vet tech found two chicken bones imbedded in her gums. After they got removed it was a difference between night and day. She's now a wonderful little dog that loves to play, not to mention my wife finally got her yorkie.

These two stories are just a few of the many adoptions that have happened to some of the best little animals we could ever call freinds. Ever since I've been a kid we never bought cats or dogs, we took in strays. I personally ditest puppy milling, it leads to more homeless dogs than anything else. Too many people buy a "high class" bred dog, and then the little girl wants a new pet, i.e. pony.
Where does that leave rover, the lovable dog?


So please do your part, adopt a dog/cat from you local shelter. Not to mention, fix your pets. As cute as puppies and kittens are, theres enough pets for everyone.
Dearest Frodo, dog saver,

Please contact Melissa with your stories so she can help support the effort to save dogs who through no fault of their own, find themselves alone and frightened. Use the URL links in the opening post to contact her.

Yours are wonderful stories that will lead people to consider a rescue and open their homes and hearts to some very special dogs. Thanks for sharing with us.
my family dog was a rescue..but not from a shelter. We found her on the side of the road and were going to "hold on to her" until a family could be found, but of course we got attached and she lived with us for 19 years before we finally had to put her down because her arthritis was just too bad and she had stopped eating. She was a cocker spaniel named Lady--mostly my sister's dog. She was a good dog.
I don't think these have to be stories from a shelter rescue. Any good rescue story should work. Finding them on the side of the road is a rescue!

Keep in mind you are going to get some professional quality pics of your dog. I am thinking of making up a story about my 2 dogs.
I've been out of touch because of work. Csi(pronounced kacy) came to us from a vet. She was being boarded as a blood donor because her previous owner had recently married and her spouse's kids were afraid of her, which is stupid if you've ever seen a greyhound. She got her from a resue organization who received her from a vet in Florida. Aparently Csi didn't "make the cut" as a racing dog, she has several siblings that have done quite well, and was brought to the vet to be put down. The vet told the owner the deed was done and turned her over to Greyhound Rescue. She is the sweetest most gentle dog I have ever seen. If you are looking for a dog to play frisbee at the park a greyhound is not for you. However if you want a companion who will love you and be at your side and be a quiet gentle presence they are the best you could hope for. BTW if you google greyhound racing you'll see that Michael Vick has nothing on this sanctioned sport. It's the ONLY thing PETA and I have the same opinion on.
i have 2 brothers half terrier an half border collie that need to be rescued..verry lovin, thier a year old.. serra if ya can help please call me..

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12098454#post12098454 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bigScott
i have 2 brothers half terrier an half border collie that need to be rescued..verry lovin, thier a year old.. serra if ya can help please call me..


Any time someone needs help with a rescue, I will put the word out to my rescue friends via email. If you send me a pm asking for my email I will help you. Pictures really are a must for me to send on to get the word out.