OT: where is everyone?

Its goin! seen a ton of clams but i still need to get a few. hows your tank goin? did you ever break down your frag system?
Tank is doing okay, could always be better. I just started dosing MB7 today. Hoping for good results. I moved the remaining frags into the 65g last night. All that is left is a pile of equipment, 55g full of live rock and my mixing tanks. Sold my trigger, he was picking on then killed my cardinal. I was worried about adding anything new with that behavior. Current fish include yellow coris, shrimp goby, scopas tang, and my cb shrimp.

Any updates on your tank?
My tanks doin good. Got a bunch of stuff in it but i need more!My trigger just disappeared on me one day. I think my serpent star got him. I'm battling a zenia problem in my big tank. I hate that stuff! other than that everythings going good.

As far as the island goes, still hoping to get there!