Our 375 Gallon project

I think people get confused as to what a pump can deliver at a certain height ~ head pressure and what actually flows through the skimmer.

You don't need more than 800gph of FLOWTHROUGH in each beckett to get maximum performance, anymore and you get diminishing returns...

So what you are trying for is a pumps that can push 800 gph THROUGH each beckett, so if you've got a dual beckett, aim for around 1600 gph of FLOWTHROUGH. This does not mean that you want a pump that will deliver 1600 gph at 4' of head (the level of the beckett injectors), you want a pump that can deliver much more flow at that head height since the beckett injectors are way restrictive (ie. venturi effect).

John H.

sidewinder770 said:
:D :D :D ...can't wait to se it running!

mikeo1210- I'm going to be running it with a Sequence Hammerhead pump- should be putting about 4200-4400GPH through it from what I can gather. Should be quite a sight!
sidewinder770 Awesome setup. I really like how well thought out and carried out everything is. Random question...where did you get the pvc 'y's from?
rufio173- Thanks for the info- that's kind of what I figured. Barr Aquatic has mentioned that he has tested it with a sequence 5200 pump and it worked tremendously well- saying that a 5800 or hammerhead would be great. guess we'll see in a few weeks when the skimmer arrives.

gumbybc- Thanks! I got the Y's from Lowes. They are in the drain section and that is where I got all my sweeping 90's, sweeping 45's and y's from. They are not rated quite as high on pressure as the regular PVC but most of our applications are low pressure and I've never had a problem with them.

Haven't got too much done lately- TOO DARN HOT !!! I'll be sure to post more pics when I get some more things done.
Oh ya baby goign to follow this link..:smokin:


p.s Well done so far, Question are you going to have a problem with the water flowing underground or did i miss the answer to this one .
Question on the Dart -> OM 4-Way. The Dart has a 2" inlet and 1.5" outlet. The OM 4-Way that comes with a 1.5" inlet (to sit on the Dart) only has a 1" outlet. I want this setup but was hoping for 1.5" returns on the CL. Do you have 1" or 1.5" returns and if 1.5", how to achieve without a plumbing nightmare?
NexDog said:
Question on the Dart -> OM 4-Way. The Dart has a 2" inlet and 1.5" outlet. The OM 4-Way that comes with a 1.5" inlet (to sit on the Dart) only has a 1" outlet. I want this setup but was hoping for 1.5" returns on the CL. Do you have 1" or 1.5" returns and if 1.5", how to achieve without a plumbing nightmare?

My 4-way had 2 inch inlets and 1.5 inch outlets. I used 2 inch pvc to from the Dart to the 4-way. BTW a 2 inch PVC coupler will fit on the outlet side of a Dart.
The Dart outlet is 1.5" so was it easy fitting the 2" 4-Way inlet on it? I'm going to get a plumber to do it all but I just need to be sure I don't order the wrong thing. As I've never done any plumbing it's yet again another thing that I find hard to visualise.
Looks very cool! I will be following this thread closely. I just learned about the OM Valves a few days ago, and I believe they are exactly what I need for the 360 my wife just picked up and I will start setting up when I get home to the states.

Keep the info and pics coming
asmodeus- Thanks. Not sure I get your question- problem with water flowing underground in what way? Right now I have to throttle the dursos back because they are pulling too much water from the overflows and had to throttle the sump return pump back as well- I think I need to make the overflow teeth a little bigger but the plumbing itself seems to be working wonderfully so far. Other than that I'm not sure what problem you might be talking about.

NexDog- The OM 4way I got has a 2" inlet and 1.5" outputs. You could glue a 2" fitting right to the dart but I didn't want to do that so I just used a 1.5" male thread to 2" slip connector. Either way would work fine I imagine and I wouldn't be to concerned with restricting flow using the 1.5" adapter since the OM only has 1.5" outlets anyway. I think you'll be happy with the flow from the dart and with the 4way- they are very cool little devices. Good luck.

toddlaco- Thanks and I will keep the pics coming. Be sure to post progress of your tank as well- I can always learn a few more things from others set-ups and good luck- I'm sure you'll be more than happy with the 4way.

here is an updated pic of the plumbing under the tank just for reference as my original pic wasn't very good (not that this one is much better but hey- I tried :) ). After all this talk about the 4way we are now wanting to get a super squirt for the frag tank :) Darn you people :rollface:
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Wonderful plumbing!
I noticed that you have no shut-off valves near the pumps intakes and exhausts. Is this by design? What do you do if you have to take a pump offline for servicing?
sidewinder, I think I've got the concept down now so happy on that. I'm also getting a Super Squirt for the frag tank. Plus two 4-Ways on Darts. And this is just closed loops. The return I'm teeing off to a high fuge and the return to the main display will boring locline. Gotta love that that of equipment in the tank. :D
tang_man_montreal- hah- yeah I'm getting pretty sick of plumbing at this point but still have more to do. There are shut-off valve just not right at the pump. with room under the tank getting less and less I didn't see the need for valves at the pump as there are valves coming out of the bottom of the tank and ony a short piece of pipe from there to the pumps. I do have unions at both places so I can remove a pump or even all the plumbing with water in the tank. So far it's worked pretty good and I'm happy with it.

NexDog- Glad you got it figured out- sound like you should have some good flow.

Her's another view of the plumbing where you can see most of the valves and unions-
The 1.5 to 2 inch adapter works fine, but if you get a 2 inch slip to 2 inch female thread connection you can glue it on w/o any problems overtightening and cracking the volute. It is also a little bit less restrictive, not much but a bit, so more flow!
Looks more like a chemical refinery to me, Scott. Crude oil goes in at one end and gasoline comes out at the other end . . .

I'm wondering if you guys are familiar with the issues regarding the clear volutes on the Dart pump? I have one of the older style like I see in these photos that I will be using for my new closed loop and I'm trying to decide if I should have it swapped out for the black volute. I most likely will, but I'm not clear if the cracking problem is caused by overtightening or if it can happen with just normal installation. I believe the offer in the Sequence forum is for free replacement. A leak in a closed loop means a completely dry tank would occur before the leak stops, if you have a bottom drain like me.
Scott, that plumbing job is very well done. I'm really impressed, even though I'm sure any visiting guests would just shake their head in awe and confusion. :D