Our 375 Gallon project


Thank you for inviting us into your home this afternoon. I have been following this thread from the start; I think even before I had met you and Erin. You know the old saying "The pictures just don't do it justice" is very true in your case!!! WOW, ever aspect of the setup was just superb. I think we almost spent more time in the garage then we did actually looking at the tank itself. As I told you the one thing I was really curious in seeing for myself was the spay on foam background. I just have to tell everyone that is following this thread that truly if I did not know what it was I would have bet my tank that it was actual live rock!! Very very well done. Now that most of the hard work is done just sit back and enjoy it.

Thanks again,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721324#post6721324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Nice pictures, Scott. You must have a good camera, as fish are tough to photograph.

Rebel XT
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721154#post6721154 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770

gobygoby- Unfortunately- the actuator is one secret I'm keeping till I get the canopy skinned- to show it now just wouldn't do it justice and I would like for this to be one of my ideas that I get to finish before someone else does. I'll be sure to post when it's fully operational.

Well you had better hurry...before I get mine finished! I even got a wireless remote to control mine....:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721310#post6721310 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Roll221

Thank you for inviting us into your home this afternoon.
Thanks again,

I second that. Thanks Scott and Erin for letting the three of us drool on your carpet for a little while.... :p It was great talking cars afterword, too...:cool:

Your entire system is spectacular, from the display to the equipment room.

I'm glad I live close enough that I'll be able to drop in occasionally and see how it fills in over the coming years....

I can't wait to see it with all the cabinetry skinned out

clkwrk- They are pretty cool fish. I only have the one but he is getting more and more colorful everyday. I can't wait to come over and check out your tank- I can only hope that some of our corals look as fantastic as yours!

Roll221- It was great to have you over! The foam is one thing that doesn't show up very well in pictures- It's a lot more "dimensional" in person and even a good camera can't capture that. I wish most of the hard work was done- I still have the skinning to do, T5's lighting to add and the canopy ventilation system! I better get moving- I want to have all this done before summer gets here! I'd really love to see your in person if I am ever down that way- you have some spectacular corals!

gobygoby- I'm trying, I'm trying!!!!! :D I want it done more than you do. Unfortunately I've run into a streak of flakey cabinet makers and this is just another thing I will be adding to my list to finish. We have narrowed down the wood and will hopefully be ordering materials to do it in the next week or so.

moore_rb - It was great having you stop by. Loved the car and maybe we'll have to go to the track someday if I ever commit to getting one :) Unfortunately this tank was a big chunk of the new vette fund :). And don't worry about the floor- we have the steam cleaner on standby all the time....darn dogs! You are more than welcome to stop by anytime- I'd like to stop by and see your sometime as well.

Her's a few more i took last night but didn't get around to adjusting the size on till today-







I would also like to thank everyone for all there support, ideas and compliments. Reefcentral itself has been an invaluable resouce for me since this is my first reef tank and all the great members here make it a great place to learn from and share experiences with. I can only hope to accomplish what so many of the members here have. And of course a big thanks to all the local members- you all make it a great hobby and make everyone feel at home and help each other out- I only hope I can return the favor in the future.
Great pix! Is that the 100mm? The foam is awesome, it look totally natural in person. Somehow I will incorporate it into my new tank. Maybe even on some rocks. The way you can just stick SPS plugs right in is awesome!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721154#post6721154 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
gobygoby- Unfortunately- the actuator is one secret I'm keeping till I get the canopy skinned- to show it now just wouldn't do it justice and I would like for this to be one of my ideas that I get to finish before someone else does. I'll be sure to post when it's fully operational.

Any requests besides the actuator? :)

I will steal some pix and sell them for $15/picture. :lol:

sidewinder770, you can now post your pics over in this thread also :p

1042x768 is a good size...

Wallpaper... BIG files posted here
Hey Scott...........Looks like your getting pretty good with the camera. Time to stop by KK's and trade for frags. ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6727604#post6727604 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fliger
I will steal some pix and sell them for $15/picture. :lol:


LOL- Only if I get part of the proceeds :). I'll be sure to have people check there cameras at the door!

I assume your OINK OINK comment is directed at the Hippo tang- and you are absolutely correct- he is the biggest pig in the whole tank- he eats so fast he freaks out all the other fish when I feed and I think he does it just to get more food! It is definately FAT- he's grown quite a bit in the last few months.

asnatlas- That's a pretty cool thread- I may just have to post some pics in it. I would still need to modify my pictures a little since my camera is currently set to save them with max resolution which is 3456 x 2304!!! Great detail but huge file size! Currently I try to reduce all the pics to be files smaller than 45k so pages load quickly. If you want one in particular just let me know and I'l keep the file larger (and more detailed) and not as small and post it for ya.

Kirsten- Actually- the camera is that good- not me- I'm just getting some good shots by luck- I know the camera could do even better but I can't. I'd be happy to stop by with the camera and take some pics of your awesome tank! I can only hope that when our corals grow up that they will look half as good as all yours!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6721310#post6721310 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Roll221

Thank you for inviting us into your home this afternoon.

I agree, Thanks Scott and Erin! I feel like the late-comer here, as I didn't know anything about your tank until I walked in. Today is the first time I've seen this thread, so you can imagine my surprise as I walked in your garage, and finally in to see the main tank!

I also love the foam work. Ed and I will be practicing on an old tank to get it right, and I'll definitely do it on my 150 when I get it later this year.

Thanks again,
Scott and/or Erin, do you have a picture of your sump? I wanted to see how your water from the tank enters your sump, I kinda remember from looking at it but a picture would be super! Thanks again and the pictures look amazing!
Have any of you guys had any proplems with that poly-foam breaking down after time in your tank? I want to use it I am just very leary of it degrading after time.
MSM - You are welcome to stop by any time you are in the area. Sounds like you guys got a good handle on the foam- the practice piece is a good idea and be sure to wear latex gloves- that stuff is a pain to get off your skin :). Hopefully I will be able to stop by and see some of the tanks you guys have set up down there- next time I'm down that way of course which could be a while.

chetm2- I'll see if I can find a picture for you- I think I may have one but it's not real obvious as the tank drain and return lines enter in the back corner of the tank and go through the wall so you really can't see them very well. I'll see what I can find though.

rpeeples- Full tank shots? I haven't taken any in the last month or so but if you look a few pages back I think there are some from December. Hopefully I'll have some more pics to put up soon.

Pilot Fish- If you read this whole thread that topic has been brought up several times- I've never had a problem with the foam and I have yet to hear from anyone who has.

Right now we are in the process of building the "skin" for the stand and cabinets that will go on each side of the tank. It will take us a few weeks but I will post some pictures as it progresses. We were hoping to have this done a while ago but after being jerked around by a few local cabinet makers we've taken the plunge and decided to make it ourselves- the good thing about that is I got to buy another tool to add to the collection....I nice DeWalt planer :D. We decided on Hickory for the wood and we are still deciding on the stain color but in the end it will probably be a soft cherry color. Of course, once it's done, I'll be able to show some pictures of the elusive actuator :)
Just wanted to say a quick thanks for posting about the foam. I used it today to cover the rack I am building for my LR to sit on and WOW! That stuff is very cool. Thanks for the Tip!