Sorry for not keeping the thread updated- I've been working my tail off on the stand skinning and only have one not so great photo of the process so far. Sorry everyone for not replying to the questions as well.
tomkb- As for live sand- I guess I would recommend seeding sand with live sand to get some life but to use all live sand seems like a waste of money to me. You may also have a lot of die-off from it that can cause problems as well. Just my thought.
chetm2- I think I get what you're saying and yes - pretty much. I'd be happy to show you next time you are over.
Travis- I definately see your point. I have had to remove the 4 way twice to clean it out and it does cause bubbles but they only come out the intakes which are located behind the rock structures and don't really hit anything on there way up. Considering I only do that once every few months I'm not to worried about the bubbles and as for the pipes I only get about 1 gallon of water that comes out of them which I drain first so it's pretty easy.
random_ryan- Sounds like a cool stand- I would say steel over wood any day! As for electric- last month my bill was $148.
OK- now for the pic- This is a bad pic of the first stage of the skinning process so it doesn't have much detail. The actuator is working perfectly now after some tweaking and I'm sure some locals can chime in with how cool it is

. I may have a video of it to show but if not I will try to show multiple pics of it in action- it is sooooooo cool!
Anyway- here ya go for now- I'll try to take some more as I get farther along.