Our 375 Gallon project

tigershark4- We went with Ice Cap mainly because we had 2 icecap ballasts on the 55 and with the phoenix bulbs we loved the color. That and we already owned 2 of them so we only needed to buy 2 more. I also didn't like the size of the PFO- the icecaps in ballast boxes is a really slim design and worked well for putting on top of the canopy. Good luck on the 350- my boss was the one who started the whole idea so that definately worked in my favor :D

MSM- Glad you can post again :). Looks great and be sure to post a pic once you get it painted. Skinning can be interesting but so far mine is working great. What do you plan on skinning it with? And no worries about hijacking my thread- you are welcome to post pics or talk about your tank as well- I always like to see new setups being created.

TJcop- First off- great avatar :smokin: . That was a cool movie. Anyway- Ron is who I dealt with at Tenecor as well- good guy and it's like a car deal- there 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offer is never there last :) ( I ended up talking with the manager a few times to get the price where I wanted it). I also got a quote from James @ Invision but Tenecor ended up being a lot cheaper, didn't have to worry about shipping and if I had any problems with it I could have them come look at it or whatever since they are local to me. I also got a 20% local discount. I think I paid $2200 for the tank after the discount and taxes. That price also included 4- 2" Sch 80 bulkheads, 6- 1.5" sch 80 bulkheads, 14 holes drilled, custom designed overflows, and black back ( which they used 3/4" clear with 1/4" black glued together so the back of the tank is actually 1"). They were including delivery as well but I wanted to pick it up. Not to mention it only took 2 weeks to build and hit the delivery date exactly. I've been quite happy with the tank and service but I have seen a few invision tanks as well and you can't go wrong with them either.

sixxer- thanks- it's finally starting to look like a finished tank. It's amazing how much different (and better) the whole thing looks with wood on it. I can't wait till it's finished.

I'll try to get some progress pics up soon!
Scott , well I ordered my om4way yesterday. can't wait to get it. My next project is to build a stand for my 350. I like love your stand. before I get started I would like to see how you are skinning your tank. How are you attatching the wood to the steal?
tigershark4- You'll like the 4 way and Paul @ OM is a great guy to deal with. As for the skinning- I will try to get some pics of it since it will make a lot more sense than trying to explain it. I highly recommend a steel stand and powdercoating- hands down the way to go. Be sure to post some pics of it.

I haven't gotten much done on the stand the last few days ......OK .....make that absolutely nothing :). Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow and the next few days to work on it and I will take some more pics as it progresses. In the meantime here is a pic of another colony I picked up from a fellow reefer a few weeks ago. I was actually taking a picture of the small blue colony in front of it but the big green hairy one looked nice as well.

AWESOME!!!!!! I have just started reading RC again and am glad. I have been on a 1 year adventure by letting a friend of mine use my basement as a temporary (ended up being a year) place to run his wholesale saltwater fish business until a new building was complete. To make a long story short... I have counted out more blue leg hermits than I care to say, drip acclimated hundreds of fish, seen two nautalises come through my basement and live, had several salt vat floods, picked up fish at the airport when he was sick, fragged a lot of corals, lived over 2000+ gallons of saltwater and put off building my MAN ROOM with twin 220 gal inwall tanks. I did help him get started off right and learned a ton about this danged addiction called saltwater reefing....

My point is that I am now starting to plan my project again and you have an awesome setup going on here. It will definitely inspire some change for my year old plan.

Thanks for you willingness to post and reply to so many comments. I will continue to follow...

How will you deal with heat and humidity?


I dunno if you can help me with this:

Can you put a complete list of al your equipment and tanks all detailed?

Can you put some pictures of all the way that the pumbling follow from the tank to the sump room?

I am starting to plan my tank, and I think I will start to contacto you by PM if you can give me a hand. :)

Thanks !
joe findell- Sounds like you've had a fun year :). At least you get to do it for yourself now. Sounds like it will be a great setup. Why the 2 tanks? I assume different types of livestock in each but give me some more details. Will they be right next to each other? Thanks also for the compliments- it's been a long project but we are just starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. As for heat and humidity- we live in AZ so heat is normal :D. Actually that is one of the reasons I need to get the canopy done so I will have my canopy ventilation system for summer- that's the next project on the list as soon as the stand skinning is done and it will be ventilated to the outside. As for humidity- isn't any really- we have no fans anywhere in my system which helps a lot. We also have most of the water surface area in my garage and that is fully open a few times per day and is usually left cracked open the rest of the time so it gets really good air exchange.

Reef Man- Happy to help but I think you'll have to be a little more specific than that- I have no idea what details you may be looking for. I imagine most of the things you are looking for are posted in my thread somewhere but let me know exactly what it is you would like to know. Here is a link for the Barr Aquatics website . As for the plumbing- I have several pics of it earlier in my thread but since most of it is underground I can't take any more pics of it. I do have a diagram of the plumbing schematic that was posted much earlier in this thread but here it is again if that's what you are looking for-

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7123610#post7123610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
joe findell- Sounds like you've had a fun year :). At least you get to do it for yourself now. Sounds like it will be a great setup. Why the 2 tanks? I assume different types of livestock in each but give me some more details. Will they be right next to each other? Thanks also for the compliments- it's been a long project but we are just starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. As for heat and humidity- we live in AZ so heat is normal :D. Actually that is one of the reasons I need to get the canopy done so I will have my canopy ventilation system for summer- that's the next project on the list as soon as the stand skinning is done and it will be ventilated to the outside. As for humidity- isn't any really- we have no fans anywhere in my system which helps a lot. We also have most of the water surface area in my garage and that is fully open a few times per day and is usually left cracked open the rest of the time so it gets really good air exchange.

Reef Man- Happy to help but I think you'll have to be a little more specific than that- I have no idea what details you may be looking for. I imagine most of the things you are looking for are posted in my thread somewhere but let me know exactly what it is you would like to know. Here is a link for the Barr Aquatics website . As for the plumbing- I have several pics of it earlier in my thread but since most of it is underground I can't take any more pics of it. I do have a diagram of the plumbing schematic that was posted much earlier in this thread but here it is again if that's what you are looking for-


Wow! Nice schematic man!

Looks really great! :)
Hey Scott,
Just out of curiousity, have you bothered to figure out how much electricity your tank is using? I'm curious because my wife and I bought a house in Sept 05 that is in an area that gets outtages occassionally. Last year around April/May a nasty storm knocked out power in this area for 2 weeks. An LFS in the area lost all their stock. I'm comtemplating a generator for my 75 gallon setup, but would also want one capable of handling a 250 gallon set up later when I upgrade.....so I'm just kinda askin questions and trying to plan things right now.

Probably a lot. Why are the arrows pointing to the calc, phosban, and carbon reactors? It also goes back to the tank, right? Nice progress. I haven't seen your tank for awhile, and it has definately moved along. If only I could build a system like yours...but I can't because I got college in 2 years :rolleyes: .

Keep up the good work,
How is the potters and long nose butterflies doing? Any nipping?
Potters are generally hard to keep, yours looks really healthy though, good coloring. :)
maxxII- I've only been keeping track of the electric bill for a short while. Here is what my bills were for the last 6 months. The big thing is not the cost but KWH as you can take that and apply your cost per KW to see what it would cost you for the same setup in your area. I have been toying with a generator as well- been looking at a propane powered 12000w automatic whole house backup generator that would be able to run not just the tank but the A/C, fridge and a few lights at the same time. Luckily I have not had an outage that lasted for more than a few minutes and I've lived in this house for almost 6 years now- of course I know it will happen now that I say that :(. It's definately a good idea and I do have UPS's on a few things but that will only last a few minutes. Just haven't gotten that far down on the list yet. This cost is for the whole house- not just the tank-

Date _____ KWH _____ Cost
Nov 2005_ 2,210__ $153.54_
Dec 2005_ 2,440__ $167.54_
Jan 2006_ 2,670__ $181.52_
Feb 2006_ 2,180__ $151.72_
Mar 2006_ 2,420__ $166.31_
Apr 2006_ 2,190__ $152.33_

TheCoralReef731- Yup- there are green arrows coming out of the CR, phosban and carbon and going back to the sump in that diagram. It's moving along.....slowly...hopefully it will be "done" soon, although I know that never really happens:).

clkwrk- ya- I don't think I want to trade electric bills with you :). I may have one bigger tank but you got what....6 tanks total? That's a lot more light, pumps and cooling than my tank. Still no word on your 180? Can't wait to see that! I'm sure it will be amazing just like your 120.

zemuron114- Potters and Long nose butterfly are doing great. The LNB has been in there since the beginning- one of the first fish and has been a model citizen. The potters we added about 2 months ago and so far he is being a perfect angel :). Only time will tell if he'll stay that way but so far he has left everything alone and only nips at rocks. Almost all my fish need to go on a diet- they are all fat and happy. They really like the food we feed them which is a homemade blend of about 20 different ingredients- they all love it and eat it like crazy- they get that once a day and dianichi pellets once a day. I just got a Regal angel that is in a tank all by himself right now and is starting to eat our food as well- not as much as I would like but he's coming around- hopefully he will be added to the tank soon.

Hope to have some more pics up later today or tomorrow. Still haven't got much done on the skinning but a little and hopefully this weekend will show some good progress.
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Scott, What do you think about making a foam wall to divide the rock and the sand? still waiting for picks of the skinning of your tank.
Scott, thanks for the info re: your electrical usage. I wasnt so much interested in your bills as I consider that rude to ask, AND like you said, I dont live where you live, so its kinda irrelevant. :D

At any rate, I see your using close to 2800-3000 watts of energy for your tank. I notice you had a spike in Dec, Jan, and March. What was the cause?

Its been awhile since I read thorugh your entire thread, so pease forgive me for asking, but how many pumps do you have running on your system total, how much water volume is your total system, and what chiller are you using, If any?

Thanks for the info,
tigershark4- Foam wall to divide rock and sand? I'm not sure exactly what you mean. I know a few people used it to divide sand from bare-bottom under the rock. I have foam on my PVC rock stuctures with LR on top of that and it works great as well. I haven't forgotten about your pics :). I'll try to get some up this evening or tomorrow.

maxxII- Keep in mind that is total house usage. We actually had snow 20 minutes from me a few weeks ago so needless to say the house heater was on a bit as well as any other variable use items in the house. I also added 280w of T5 lighting on the frag tank about a month or so ago so that added a little. I do have a chiller but it hasn't been on since October.....actually it ran for the first time 2 days ago but only for about 30 minutes. It's a DIY chiller using a mini-split AC system which draws about 600-700 watts total- simply an amazing chiller I think and an item I am very happy with. In total I have 5 sequence pumps- 3 darts, 1 hammerhead, 1 barracuda. I also have a mag5 for the CR and one in the mixing tank. Actual water volume is 550g.