T.J. I have been talking to Ron at Tenecor and James at Envision. I think you get a great product with both.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7106118#post7106118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MSM
Thanks. I don't want to hijack Scott's thread, so here's my progress thread:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7106118#post7106118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MSM
Thanks. I don't want to hijack Scott's thread, so here's my progress thread:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7123610#post7123610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
joe findell- Sounds like you've had a fun year. At least you get to do it for yourself now. Sounds like it will be a great setup. Why the 2 tanks? I assume different types of livestock in each but give me some more details. Will they be right next to each other? Thanks also for the compliments- it's been a long project but we are just starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. As for heat and humidity- we live in AZ so heat is normal
. Actually that is one of the reasons I need to get the canopy done so I will have my canopy ventilation system for summer- that's the next project on the list as soon as the stand skinning is done and it will be ventilated to the outside. As for humidity- isn't any really- we have no fans anywhere in my system which helps a lot. We also have most of the water surface area in my garage and that is fully open a few times per day and is usually left cracked open the rest of the time so it gets really good air exchange.
Reef Man- Happy to help but I think you'll have to be a little more specific than that- I have no idea what details you may be looking for. I imagine most of the things you are looking for are posted in my thread somewhere but let me know exactly what it is you would like to know. Here is a link for the Barr Aquatics website . As for the plumbing- I have several pics of it earlier in my thread but since most of it is underground I can't take any more pics of it. I do have a diagram of the plumbing schematic that was posted much earlier in this thread but here it is again if that's what you are looking for-