Our 375 Gallon project

sidewinder770 are you ever going to post pics of making hood? And when will your web site be finshed. Very interested in seeing both...
So he should have surfaced on DFWMAS by now. I wonder if he's using the same username. I'll have to check around.
Hey everyone! Sorry for not keeping this thread up to date. We have been more than busy with getting life ready to move. We have not moved yet but we are currently tankless. We've also been busy getting married so yes- mrs. sidewinder will be moving as well :) (or I guess I'm mr. reefmaiden). throw in a few trips and busy with work and we haven't had much time on our hands. I know I still need to get some pics up and if I can find them I certainly will. I'm not on RC much these days but I still check in from time to time. The decision to sell was a very hard one, to say the least, but for the purposes of moving it only made sense at this time. We never had a 180- just the 375. I do have a complete chiller setup for sale if anyone is interested- I think that's about all that's left except a few smaller items.
Scott, if you are moving over here, be sure to touch base with the club. :)

Congrats on your new marriage.
Hi Scott
what year did you work for Tis Tropical in FV? I worked there with Steve,Martin and Lam around 83 to 85. Anyway nice tank all of your experience from working there must help with your set up. Back then I remembered we have a Red Sea Asfur angel and the golden angel that cost $1000 :-)
Hi Scott
what year did you work for Tis Tropical in FV? I worked there with Steve,Martin and Lam around 83 to 85. Anyway nice tank all of your experience from working there must help with your set up. Back then I remembered we have a Red Sea Asfur angel and the golden angel that cost $1000 :-)
Hey Scott, so sorry to hear the tank is gone. I enjoyed reading the entire thread, then was crushed on page 38 to read that it was gone. I was hoping you could give some thoughts on keeping your equipment in the garage? I am just starting a small in-wall tank with everything in the garage in Las Vegas, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal with the heat.

Are you still trying to sell your chiller? If so, PM me with the price.

Hey Scott, so sorry to hear the tank is gone. I enjoyed reading the entire thread, then was crushed on page 38 to read that it was gone. I was hoping you could give some thoughts on keeping your equipment in the garage? I am just starting a small in-wall tank with everything in the garage in Las Vegas, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal with the heat.

Are you still trying to sell your chiller? If so, PM me with the price.

Hey Scott. We're still sad the tank is gone as well and hopefully we'll have another down the road. As for the equipment in the garage- It was a great way to do it and I'd definately do it again. It provides so much room to work on everything and keeps the smell, heat and water spills outside. You will need a chiller since you are in LV but I don't like fans anyway- to much evap. Keeping the tank cool was not a problem at all- I thought it might be but it worked fine for us. Having the garage door open a lot provided tons of fresh air as well as making a closed canopy on the tank possible which meant the house stayed much much cooler since the heat from the lights and equipment was all contained in the canopy. As for the chiller- I absolutely, 100% believe a split system chiller is the only way to go- having a regular chiller indoors just puts the heat back into the room which your house A/C has to cool again. Shoot me a PM about the chiller if you are interested.

As for new/unseen pictures- I never got my storage hard drive back up and running after it died and that had most of the tank pics on it. I'll have to recover that drive one of these days.