Our 375 Gallon project

WOW Scott, you took tank of the month eh?

I have not been around for quite awhile, I never did finish my build back when you started this one. I also got married and that meant tearing it all down to sell the house (her house was nicer, mine had all this junk in the basement /wink).

My wife has given me the OK to restart the build this summer, but we're kind of in limbo as we may move into a larger house.
We're torn between remodeling ours or, just getting something close to what we would do anyhow.

You did such an amazing job with that system, I am jealous. I wish I could have finished mine as well, the itch is getting stronger as I find myself here more and more often :).

Anyhow I can't wait to see your next setup once you get settled in.

And CONGRATULATIONS too you both!!! I hope you're as happy as I am.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12188460#post12188460 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
Hey Scott. We're still sad the tank is gone as well and hopefully we'll have another down the road. As for the equipment in the garage- It was a great way to do it and I'd definately do it again. It provides so much room to work on everything and keeps the smell, heat and water spills outside. You will need a chiller since you are in LV but I don't like fans anyway- to much evap. Keeping the tank cool was not a problem at all- I thought it might be but it worked fine for us. Having the garage door open a lot provided tons of fresh air as well as making a closed canopy on the tank possible which meant the house stayed much much cooler since the heat from the lights and equipment was all contained in the canopy. As for the chiller- I absolutely, 100% believe a split system chiller is the only way to go- having a regular chiller indoors just puts the heat back into the room which your house A/C has to cool again. Shoot me a PM about the chiller if you are interested.

As for new/unseen pictures- I never got my storage hard drive back up and running after it died and that had most of the tank pics on it. I'll have to recover that drive one of these days.

Scott, did you move? What's the plan?

Definitely get your harddrive restored. Losing those pictures isn't an option. :)
restoring a hard drive can be very costly. I lost one for my business a few years ago and by the time I had sent it to 3 different companies and then finally to a clean room to be dismantled, it cost $1,700. :eek:
Northside Reef- I was wondering what happened to your build. Sounds like you've been as busy as us lately. Congrats and good luck with the new wife and the tank- be sure to keep us posted when you start the project!

Melev- In the process of packing up now!

As for the harddrive- I think it will cost me about 300 to get it fixed and possibly more depending on the problem. I will get it fixed sooner or later as i have a lot more than just reef pics on it. I have since built a RAID 5 to keep everything secure as well as increase my capacity so I shouldn't run into that problem again.......HOPEFULLY :mad2:
Just make sure you have adaquate cooling in your pc with all your drives. Sometime s people forget to add extra cooling when they ad extra drives. it will increase the life of your drives.

Scott your tank was a big inspiration for me and could not agree with you more about the equipment in the garage. At first I didn't think it was a big deal but after 6 months now I know..
Sidewinder770...good to kno tht you're still checking in on us from time-to-time. Really miss that monster tank of your but it still continues to inspire. My question to you is: You you officially ever release the plans for the canopy of yours? My monster tank is currently postponed (no 375 for now) so i just had to go with a 275 gal for now...my hert is broken as I wanted to follow your footsteps...but...Tanks are made to grow, right? Hope all is well at your end and look forward to the future sidewinder+reefmaiden combo = sidemaiden (or reefwinder ~ is its a girl):)
PLEASE !. . . PLEASE! . . . PLEASE! . . . give us a brief description (don't necessarily need your hard drive rescuscitated - a simple written description would probably do the trick) of the mechanics behind your pimped-out automatic hood/light-raising system. The linear actuator I understand and the attachments both to raise the panel and raise the lights I understand but the specific mechanics (pully, etc?) to make it come to life are beyond me. I want a peek above your beautifully stained hood. Throw us this bone and, in this way, your tank will live on with thousands of reefs bearing the Sidewinder hood modification. Also, think of the many corals you would save by lowering the threshold for us to get in and clean our tanks (we're a lazy lot). This thread has trully been an inspiration and I very much look forward to your next tank build. Congrats on tying the knot and for the eventual little reefers (bearing excellent reefing genes). Steve.
Sorry guys- no new tanks right now. We did get moved in and if all works out we will probably only be here for another year or so- not really enough time to start another big tank build. We've actually been really busy with the rest of our zoo (3 dogs, 2 horses, 1 cat, and about 50 finches). Not to mention trying to move again in the near future with all those animals makes adding fish to the mix not very viable right now.

I'll see if I can't find any pics of the canopy "inner workings" but I olny had a few pics of that to begin with. I think those are on the harddrive that failed and I have yet to recover. I had a lot more than just reef pics so I know I will have to get it recovered eventually.

I still do visit RC quite often and watch all the other big tank builds but I try not to get too involved for fear of getting sucked back into it which would not be the best right now. We hope to have another tank down the road and who knows- maybe a small tank soon but once you have a 375 it's hard to go smaller!
hey Scott, glad to hear all is well, btw the loner blue chromis is still a loner and doing quite well, as is the neon pseudochromis from your tank, still darting in and out of the overflow :) also your DYI CR is still on line and working well :D
Hey elliott! Glad to hear they are doing great. That little chromis is a tuff one- he's been around for at least 8 years in our tanks and in at least 4 differnt tanks. He was actually the only fish in our old 55g SPS only tank for about a year so I think he likes to be alone. Glad to hear the dottyback has a good overflow to get in and out of- he's probably learned that it's a good place to find food all day as I'm sure he's the only one who goes back there in your tank too which means he gets all the pods and little critter all to himself. some fish are pretty smart!