Our 450g reef, 360g predator tanks

They exist, they're just expensive.

Hey Ziggy! And it could be! Along with selling some corals. Conditions are stabilizing nicely and the corals are starting to grow and spread. :D
I got the solenoids hooked up and I modified my program to control them. Problem though, they require 3 psi to operate and I'm barely at that. I'm only getting a trickle through the second one.

Tomorrow I'm going to take one of them out of the line and just run a single one. That should fix it. But then again, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that it takes it a few hours to raise the level in the sump an inch. That might actually save me from disaster one of these days.
I know you are going to hook up up a lcd panle or monitor top display real live info..I have been wanting to do something like the remote screen like the big boy controllers have...ANy pics
I'll get you the link later today, Jonathan. It's the 1/2 cell electrode. I'm hooking it in to my controller hardware so I can monitor it but they also sell the monitor hardware to connect to it. Most of them also have a serial or usb port to connect to a pc.

I'll get pics of everything this weekend. I still need to fasten down all the wires and cables and dress it up a bit.
Hey buddy, i've been searching for yall. sorry to hear about the horses and trigger. i see you're still playing mad scientist, LOL
Sorry, I haven't had much of a chance to do anything, except breath every once in a while. Work is KILLING me. Year end is always crazy busy and our client keeps coming up with money to add new features. It would be a LOT easier if they would have just given us a list of what they want, once. This trickle in stuff really makes it harder to implement and takes a lot more time.

Hopefully, things will calm down after this week.
Hokie smokes Terry!
You are reefing on a plane of existence beyond my imagination.
That optical sensor is awesome!

Aloha as well. lol
I'm running a new test on our systems now. It all came about when I started thinking about building solar panels, installing some batteries, and running our aquariums off of those. Well, we have two barracudas as return pumps and two hammerheads for CL pumps. I started to calculate out how many panels and batteries I would need to run these two tanks. I would need 24 200w panels and two 2,400 pound batteries. Total cost, around $20,000. These four pumps cost around $200 a month to run.

We went to Lowes and bought four timers and I put them on the four pumps. Each hour I run the return pump for the reef and the CL pump for the predator tank. Next hour I run the return for the predator and the CL for the reef. It's only been a week but the reef actually looks better. Time will tell.

I did buy 200 solar cells and we're going to build our own panels. I bought an inverter that the panels attach to and the inverter just plugs into a wall socket. Eventually we'll have a 100 130w solar panels and we won't be paying for electric. I can build a 130w solar panel for around $80 compared to buying one from a commercial vendor for around $750. Batteries can be added later.
Hi, Terry!

I've been catching up on your stuff and you are WAY over my head, but it all sounds wonderful.

I miss seeing you around. I hope your family is doing well.
solar panels are so "yesterday" think cold fusion Terry, all the with it people are doing it lol. how ya been man, long time?
Hi Barb and Steve,

Everyone here is doing great. I've been working a ton of hours wrapping up business related items. I'm closing it down for a few years and laying off all 47 employees. Well, 6 of them got laid off in January. March 27th is our last day and I'll be able to have a life again! WOO HOO!!!

I need a nice, long vacation. Who knows, I might eventually start a solar panel business. :lol:

Steve, you do know that they're working on cold fusion, don't you? This site has a lot of information about it. It's a promising technology and it doesn't have scary waste associated with it. I can't wait until they have fusion powered cars! Won't that make the roads exciting? :lol:
Glad to hear you're doing well! Closing down! RESTING!! No fair!

Please give Patti my best. Good luck to you with all the time you'll have on your hands. You are such a lazy cuss. Never getting a thing done. Tsk!
having a life is overrated lol, a good Honeydo list is the very essence of happiness thanks for the fusion link! Just love bizzaro techno crap, grab some rest sailor youve earned it